A Brilliant Way to Eliminate NHIs (Not handed ins)

eliminate NHIs

Probably every parent still stuck in the virtual school nightmare with multiple children can relate to the feeling of helplessness as you watch your children have the lowest grades of their lives. What in the world happened to the leniency of the spring? It is gone. The motto is “sink or swim” now. If you cannot figure it out and get it in on time, here is your zero. The middle and high school no longer accepts late work. When […]

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Which is Better: Home School, Public, or Private Schools

Home school vs. private school pros and cons

There are many pros and cons of home schooling, just as there are pros and cons to public and private schools. If you find yourself weighing the differences of which method of school you should do for your children, this list will help. I have revised my pros and cons lists to reflect my views now that I have 2 years of home-school under my belt as well, and our children have also attended 2 years at a private Christian […]

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It was not a failure, though I thought it was at the time.

Failure stings when it’s something that means the world to you. It stings like getting stung by a HIVE OF BEES or 50 fire ants.

I set out to home school those two years with two objectives:

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