8 Days of Finding Joy During a Pandemic

8 Days of Choosing Joy During a Pandemic

Have you had to look a little harder for joy over the past few months of pandemic? Do you find the coronavirus and the news to all be a little discouraging? Feeling down and being in a place of seeking joy has happened to me many times over the years, not because I am totally Sadness all the time because I am not. It is just that hard times call for digging a little deeper, and we are definitely in difficult […]

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Lockdown Week 11: National Uproar, Alan at the Office, and My Next Ebook

Lockdown Week 11: National Uproar, Alan at the Office, and My Next Ebook

So how is everyone’s lock down going? Still feeling okay out there, in your own home? I noticed that some of my Alabama friends went back to church this Sunday. I was like, “Say whaaa?” I can’t even imagine that yet here in Maryland. Because we move so much, my Facebook newsfeed represents people from all over the country, but mostly the South, the D.C. area, and California/Washington state. I am always surprised at how different life is in different […]

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The Job I Fell in Love with this Year

Yesterday was my volunteer day. That’s the one day per week where I basically go into work like most American adults. Ha! I put on my grown-up clothes–things like trousers instead of yoga pants–and I work for someone besides my family.

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“Are you so happy, Mom?”

John David asks me one question every single day. “Mom, are you so happy? I just want you be happy, Mom.” If I cry, he can’t take it. “No, Mom! I just want you be happy!” If I get stressed and start rushing around, “Mom, I just want you be happy!” If he’s in trouble for something, well, if John David gets in trouble for something he does that thing that little kids do that will melt your heart. He […]

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The Importance of Joy

home school vs. private school pros and cons

I have been focusing my Bible reading on joy this past month. See, I have every reason to have joy, but I also have just enough daily life aggravations to sometimes forget to experience joy. And that left me wondering, “People are always saying to choose joy. How do you do that? Is it a choice?” Sometimes it is a choice, and you can focus your mind in such a way, and pray, and be doing right things so that […]

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