The 9th Move: Empty Houses, “Bees”, and Good-byes

I know you are probably expecting an update on the cross-country move. Well, all I can tell you is that: 1.) We are still negotiating repairs on our new house, which may end up delaying our move-in date. So so sad!! I’m choosing to hope for the best. Moving in July 1st or bust!!! 2.) JD and Dan are having trouble adjusting to the “bees”, and by bees, they mean GNATS. and 3.) The big boys spent their last day […]

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God provides, as always. Hallelujah!!

I’ve been struggling lately. It’s been a year of lots of change, it’s overwhelming, and Alan is so busy with his engineering classes. Some days I have been a borderline bitter/icky person. I didn’t realize just how gloomy I’d gotten until I was at Bible study Thursday night with some gals in my neighborhood, and I just HEARD MYSELF. Woah. I need to get it together! This week I really hit a low point, and I just sat on my […]

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