The Bonhoeffer Book & That Famous Niemoller Quote

I loved what Bonhoeffer wrote in his Advent letter of 1938 to Confessing Church leaders. I love it because the fact is that good is not always winning. Sometimes evil is winning, but that doesn’t mean you should not do the right thing:

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How do we know the Bible is reliable? Why do you believe it?

Is the Bible real?

If someone asked you why you believe the Bible, would you know what to tell them?? How do you know the Bible is reliable? Why do you believe it? This is important, y’all. Faith is paramount, but people need some reasons behind that faith. These days most people are not educated about the Bible. I’m going to do the best I can to re-tell the excellent illustration that Pastor Craig Bowers used to show just how reliable the Bible is. Jar […]

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A Letter from the Civil War

We have managed to maintain a couple of old letters from the Civil War. Alan’s family has at least one, and my family does too. Yes, they are both confederate letters because our ancestors lived in Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama mostly. I came across this one the other day. This letter was written by a confederate soldier on Alan’s side. War letters offer serious historical value. I thought I’d share this letter for any of you who may be as […]

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School Planning Time! Story of the World History plans are in the works.

It is 2:30. Nobody mess this up. JD is sleeping. Dan is voluntarily in his room building something with Lego blocks, Caleb is building a stunt course out of train tracks down stairs, and Joshua is in the Lego closet building something too. I have to make sure no one sees or hears me. If I am seen, this wonderful moment will be spoiled, and they will start asking me questions… Uh-oh. They are all together again, but at least […]

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The Marvelous Lady I Met at the First White House of the Confederacy

It seems like big times in America, doesn’t it? The President of the United States sang ‘Amazing Grace,’at a funeral this week, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of homosexual marriage, Southern state capitals are taking down the Confederate flags, and ISIS runs through the middle east, torturing and killing everyone who doesn’t agree with them. Where do you even begin to explain the world today to your children? Well, I very happily will show them the video of Obama […]

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About John Smith: “Him died. Dead. Dead. Dead”

These videos crack me up. It’s just so Daniel. He’s “reading” a book about John Smith, the best leader that the Jamestown settlement had. He kept focusing on the photo of John Smith, wounded in the Indian camp. Daniel read it as, “Him dead. Him died. meh meh meh meh meh….” Perhaps a lot of what I say to Daniel is simply translated as something from Charlie Brown’s teacher. To get the full story, you ‘gotta’ watch both movies! 😉 […]

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