Will Nap Anywhere

There are many things my beautiful little boys do well. Yes, I am sorry. I said beautiful.  They are!! Handsome, if it makes you feel better, but my goodness, they look like sleeping angels to me. This is one of the things we do with FLARE. That’s right. We NAP. We are seriously great nappers. I remember one time, in Sunday school, our class was debating rest on Sundays. Who would debate that? Seriously. Don’t just agree to rest, embrace […]

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This Year

Christmas vacation was exactly what I think I needed. It was so refreshing to spend time with our families. I was horribly selfish. I slept late every single morning. No, really. One day, I actually slept until 1:00pm. No kidding! I did almost no work at all. None. I sat on sofas, opened presents galore, drank copious amounts of flavored coffee and let other people chase J.D. around. You can’t pour sweet tea from a broken pitcher, and this Momma […]

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Touring the Smithsonian American History Museum with Alan’s Grandparents

Tonight everyone in this house is seriously exhausted. I am probably the only one that is still awake, and it’s only 10:40 pm!!!  It’s been a busy, busy week. The biggest and most exciting news–and I have several bits of news!–was Joshua’s great success today!! Joshua ran his very first 5K race, and when I say that the boy ran to win, you’d better believe it.  He took off like a shot, zipped through his first mile like it was […]

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