Do your kids love writing thank you notes???…..So here’s a solution.

Our family has never been known for our stellar thank-you note etiquette. Instead, thank you notes typically make my boys want to actually return their presents. “Skylanders, YES!!!!!” “THANK YOU NOTES??? Oh, um, oh, uh. Moaaaannnnnn….Groannnnn….” Look, it’s not that they are ungrateful. They SAID thank-you 100 times, jumped up and down, and gave the giver a hug. We are thankful, okay. But sitting down in an actual chair and WRITING out thank you notes??? Apparently some people don’t love […]

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4 Powerful Lessons From My Very First Women’s Retreat

This weekend I have ridden a horse, eaten delicious food cooked by other people, and listened to an inspiring speaker, Denise Cunningham. I have grown closer to God and closer to other ladies from my church. Guess what! Our speaker this weekend has a blog too! I’ll give you a link at the bottom of this post. First, you have to read mine.  😉 This retreat was at Wolf Mountain, near Sacramento, California. I want to share a few lessons […]

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