Today was the fifth day after the birth. John David is still seriously sweet, and we are all so excited about him.
Giving birth is such a strange adventure. It’s so weird how each time is a little different too. This has been a crazy week. Here are a few highlights from all the “postpartum” fun:
#1. All morning I had a headache, and I couldn’t figure out how this could be. Hello? I’m taking 800 mg of ibuprofen, on top of percoset. How could I have a headache?
Finally, it hit me.
I skipped my morning cup of coffee.
Once I remedied that situation, at 3pm, the problem was solved. Wow! The power of coffee—who knew. Let’s just hope that doesn’t keep J.D. up all night!
#2. Where’s that magic postpartum weight loss??
—While we were still in the hospital, Alan ran into an old acquaintance of ours. He said his wife was also in the hospital. Her name is Amy, and she had just delivered their third baby: a girl.
Today I was on Facebook, and I read where she had posted that she had just lost 30 pounds in 3 days.
: /
Um, I’ve lost more like 13, and I’m so swollen from my knees to my shoulders, that I’m wearing Alan’s underwear. (which by the way, are insanely comfortable)
–No, really, the maternity pants I wore last week, 9 months pregnant, are so snug they actually hurt.
Thankfully, this has happened to me before, so I’m not worried. I know it’s just my reaction to surgery, and it will heal. Meanwhile, I will be wearing the same 2 pairs of gym shorts with busted elastic. ; )
(Or is it psoriasis?) Bleh, nothing more lovely than itchy skin.
#4. On the positive side, I feel ridiculously happy.
Do you think that’s me being a thankful mom, or do you think that’s just the percocet? How do you spell percaset?
#5. John David poops about 8 times/ day and wets outside his diaper about 5 times/day.
Finally, Alan picked up some newborn diapers at the store. That has helped some, but he still wets outside of it regularly. I guess it’s because he drinks his weight in milk every 2 hours!
–Newborn diapers and newborn clothes!? This is a new experience for us!
In other news……
Joshua was eating his chips, and suddenly decided the bag would make a great cover for a book. I love this boy’s creativity! He put some computer papers together and wrote a chapter book about Xavier and Joshua in a Mario-type world. He also included one page that is the “app for iPads.” Yep, welcome to childhood after the i Revolution..
John David had his 5 day check-up today. He was up to 8 lb 8 oz, still 21 inches long, looking great.
We both fall asleep every time I feed him.
Just imagine the things I could do with a NICE camera. I wish! It has become obvious that Alan is not going to buy us a new camera, so I am starting my own savings fund for a new camera. It shouldn’t be too hard for me to funnel a lot of our money into that account, since I’m the one who handles the money…. ; )
Super Nana
We talked to Nana on Facetime today. The boys were having so much fun. Of course, who wouldn’t, considering my parents had taken them to the toy store and bought them a movie, a video game, and Legos. Plus, they put together my brother’s old Badminton set for the backyard. Gotta love Christmas in June with the grandparents!
Want to read more about our postpartum adventures?
And remember that when you have a new born, if your biggest goal is to make sure everyone just gets 2 or 3 meals in that day and smiles a few times, that’s a perfectly acceptable and brag-worthy goal!