First Day Alone

He’s so cute when he wakes up…..but sometimes I just want him to go back to sleep….
Does that sound bad? I really adore him! It’s just that now that the Percoset is no longer working me over, I am soooooo sleepy.
Alan went back to work today. He left work early, so it wasn’t a whole day, but it was my first day back into the routine. My older three boys are in Alabama with their grandparents, so this day was my first day alone but not on full duty. This is what it is like with just one baby for a few days longer. It will be harder when the big boys return for sure! Then I doubt I will be able to pull off spending the day watching t.v. like I have done lately.
There were low points:
-I finally had to resort to giving John David a pacifier, in order to lull him into sleep. (He loved it).
-I slept in his recliner from 8-11:30 am because I didn’t have the energy to put him back in his crib.
BUT there were also high points:
-The pacifier worked like a charm that allowed me to actually do a chore and eat!
-I watched an awesome episode of Andy Griffith show and several delightful episodes of The Waltons! 🙂
Ya’ll! Alan and I almost never get to watch t.v., so this has been a rare treat.
We watched several movies:
The Grace Card: don’t do it… depressing….
Faith Like Potatoes: better, great ending, but still quite dramatic
For the Love of the Game: enjoyed it for a while…then it went all sad too….then it finally got better again. What is the deal with these dramatic movies?? I personally believe that ALL movies should be funny.
Troy: We totally should’ve named one of our boys Hector. BUT there was a scene where all the Spartan men were picking on this Troy girl that I found so disturbing I had to stop watching the movie.
I have become very sensitive to ugliness on t.v., and there is a LOT of ugliness on t.v. I just can’t stand to watch it.
Best programs I’ve watched in these whole 9 days of recovery time: The Waltons. This show is just good. You gotta watch it!
Ugh. Little House on the Prairie is coming on, so now I have to change the channel. I know this is supposed to be *clean family fun* show too, but it just gets on my nerves for some reason.
I’d better go feed the baby.
I finally convinced him to wait three hours (as opposed to 1.5) between feedings (by cheating and using the pacifier —thanks for sending those, Amber), but if I let him go more than three hours, I’ll be paying for that tonight!
Correction “……they went downhill fast after year 2, IMHO.” [Not IHHO]
The early episodes of the Waltons weren't so bad, but they went downhill fast after year 2, IHHO. ~Daddy-O
I totally agree that all movies should be funny! Or happy ending romances. I am opposite on my shows, though. I love Little House and can't stand The Waltons! Ha! Amy