The Just-Moved-In Phase

Life kicked me around a little bit this week.
A lot of things happened: not unpacking. Not much of that happened at all. First, there was the whole beginning home-schooling thing–which I did before I even finished unpacking my house. (Maybe that wasn’t my BEST idea.) Then there was the energy problem. As in, I just don’t have enough–especially after 1pm. What is that?
Second, we’re in that whole just-moved-in phase. We are still learning our area and even our own neighborhood. I finally figured out that the houses on both sides of me are occupied by couples with no children. I felt kind of bad for my own children when I figured that out… we sat on our balcony and watched the neighbors about three houses down, across the street, all having front yard gatherings every afternoon. Their little girls all ride their power wheels back and forth and back and forth, and my children watch longingly from the porch.
Don’t even say it. Don’t say, “Go over there and introduce yourself.”
If you say that, then you just don’t know me at all. I know I may seem like Mrs. Outgoing, but when I first move to a place I am not that at all. When I first move somewhere, I like to completely draw into my shell, go completely silent and just watch and listen while I figure things out. I can’t help it. That’s just what I do.
Besides, you can tell when you look at their group that they are having fun just the way that it is. They have probably been friends for a while, and our barging in would only be a nuisance, I’m sure. Then I would feel awkward. Nah. No, thanks.
We have made a few friends at church, and when the boys’ home school group starts we will meet more people. I’m not worried about that, really. I’m more worried about finding a babysitter that can handle four little boys!!
This week we did manage to find the best playground in the neighborhood.
It is AWESOME. Photos to come soon! I did get a silent chuckle at Caleb making fast friends with a bunch of little girls from Pakistan and their brother Mohammed. There’s a large population of Pakistan students here, studying Military Defense. Anyway, I just couldn’t help but notice the irony of Caleb David having a ball over there with Mohammed and his sisters. (Please say you get it. The names: Mohammed and Joshua and Caleb David. And Daniel!! ) Caleb had a blast playing Ghosts in the Graveyard with these girls. Caleb makes friends more easily than anyone I’ve ever seen in my life. He has no idea what a wonderful gift that is!!!

Wednesday night I came down with a super snotty head cold, and the rest of the week after that was kind of a blur. We somehow made it through. Caleb can now rattle off vowels and their sounds at high speed, and Joshua began learning multiplication, measurement, you name it.
Thankfully, I had Alan here today, so we got a TON accomplished. The Goodwill donations finally went to Goodwill. Pictures are now hanging downstairs. Trash was taken to the dumpster. Oh! And Alan took our three oldest boys over to the house right behind us to meet their three boys, which are almost the exact same ages as Joshua, Caleb, and Daniel!! They also do Cub Scouts, so hopefully we’ll get the boys back in scouts soon.
Right now Alan is upstairs studying hard. I’m actually watching TV!!! This never happens: the t.v.watching, that is.
I’ve questioned this home school decision plenty of times, but at the end of the day I remind myself that I’m glad I’m doing it. I can feel certain that the boys will be where they need to be academically at the end of this year. Academics have always been important to me. I’m also hoping to work on some character issues that I see in them, since I have more time with them. The “experiment” part of this year will be to see if this huge sacrifice I’m making is worth it. How much of a difference will it make? Will I be able to be HAPPY doing this? Will the boys be happy? Will I be able to keep up with the housekeeping, the meals, and ever get to do anything fun? That’s what I’m interested to see. I think it’ll take a lot more than just a week to get those answers. This is something I’ve just always kind of wanted to do. I promise to finish out this year, and we’ll decide about next school year once this one is finished!
Oh, April – so sorry you are sick. That’s never fun. I picked up a cold on Wednesday myself, so I am right there with you. Sounds like you are pressing on, and doing a great job keeping your head above water in a very tumultuous time! A month from now, things will look and feel 150x better. They say to give yourself 6 months in a new place before feeling settled. You have the move, PLUS starting homeschooling, PLUS a toddler and a pretoddler, not to mention the older boys. I doubt you’ll be running out of blog material any time soon! We are praying extra for y’all! We love you!
Oh, and pregnant sick is so much worse. At least I can hit the Afrin every night before bed! Alan said that too, about giving it a lot of time. We will. I think I even said that to you when you moved last time, but I seldom take my own advice……haaaa! Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. Can’t wait to see more about your big move-in!!
Really cute shots of growing up JD playing with Daniel.
I haven’t been taking many pictures. I need to step it up!
I used to teach high school English. I loved it and miss it dearly, but I quit because I have some fairly deep misgivings about our education system. Our little guy is only 7 months, but I’m already thinking about school. Homeschooling is something I ponder often. I’m new here–wondering if you have a post that tells why you chose it?! And looking forward to following your journey here!
PS I’ve been in our city for 3 years & I still feel like a new kid here sometimes. It’s so hard for me to just go introduce myself!
Ah! I just typed up a nice long response, and then it disappeared. Bleh, computer issues. 🙁 So here are some links to where I talked about it before:
I just wanted to give it a try and see if it was all it was cracked up to be.
We are a newer (2nd year) homeschooling family who just moved to a new state and find ourselves in a city apartment surrounded by younger childless professionals so I can relate to many of the things you write about, especially about meeting the neighbors, lol! I really enjoyed your post, would love to read a 1 year follow up about how homeschooling and life is working out, enjoy!
We can relate about so many things! I hope ya’ll enjoy Maryland as much as we did. My best tip is to go ahead and go to the trouble of getting a White House tour arranged through your congressman. Most of them have a website you can use to do this. It was so worth it to get to go into the White House.
Thanks, that is something I really want to do and I’m going to ask around to see who I need to contact. Our neighbor and friend should know…there’s so many “once in the lifetime” things to do here in the next 2 years and I know we can’t do everything so I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction!
wow – I love and adore your blogs and sharing the most valuable experience. wow!
Thank you ! Yours are wonderful too. I tried to comment on the cancer one this week, and I had WordPress issues. It always wants me to sign in, but then when I sign in, my comment is gone. It happens to me a lot. I thought it was a very inspiring post!!!
Please allow me to thank you – It is a joy to hear from you and read over your valuable articles. Do you have a technical problem commenting? I suggest you comment on different post to confirm its only a technical matter. I appreciate your time!!
It’s a technical problem, for sure. It’s not just your site. It happens all the time, and then other days it will work fine. I just need to try more often. 🙂
Thank you for responding back to me and letting me know. Let your Sunday Shine fro you!!
Thanks!! You too!