Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Book, Movie, and Field Trip

Lula’s Chocolate Factory
I finally hit upon a CHAPTER book that the boys love enough to read, even without me. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I wish I had read it when I was a kid. It’s so good! Funny, yes, but also FULL of great life lessons.
Joshua and Caleb give it all their thumbs up.
I would love to say that I timed it on purpose to coincide with our CC group’s Chocolate Factory Tour field trip…..but no. It was just a BEAUTIFUL coincidence. 🙂
They were so excited!
Lula’s Chocolates is a family operation. We got to see them making these delicious goodies. You can buy them at any Whole Foods Grocery Store! Of course, we partook in some chocolate-y goodness while we were there. We also wore really nifty hair nets.
That’s Dan, checking out the sea salt dark chocolates. Oh my, what a wonderful combination it is!
chowing down on caramel
Don’t worry. We’re always careful about the nut thing. Isn’t it so sad that these poor boys can never eat a box of assorted chocolates, thanks to their allergies? We purchased dark chocolate sticks for all of us. The boys were VERY happy.
By the way, Lula’s ships their delicious, handmade treats to all 50 states. You can order here:
Not a bad field trip, eh? Shout out to Vanessa for organizing this!!
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What a fun looking field trip! And seriously, what an amazing coincidence. Couldn’t have lined up better! And how exciting that you are in the top 10!!! I’m excited for you and I voted, cause I think you are great ☺
Thank you so much, Marla!!!
I ditto Amy’s comment!
I loved Roald Dahl as a kid. As bleak as he is, and everything!
I think he is going to be exactly what I’m looking for in am author for my boys.
Definitely! And I’ve heard that “Treasure Island” is also an EXCELLENT read for young boys. They love the subject matter (pirates! Ships! Treasure! Fighting!) but it also has important moral life lessons.
I never read that one either. Thanks for the recommendation!
What an awesome field trip! To a delectable chocolate factory! Yes please and sign me up for your school! plus going to need to get me a box of these chocolates!
That’s my kind of field trip, right there. What’s that? You said you needed a Christmas idea for me? Oh yes, a sampler box would be perfect for me 🙂
Ha! Oh, that’s easy! Thanks!
Reblogged this on Three Little Monkeys and commented:
Really neat idea for a homeschool trip. Anyone up for it? We could go to Russell Stovers!
Cool! I love dark chocolates.
Yes! Yummy field trip.
Oh boy! I’d love to visit a chocolate factory too. 🙂
I know! It was awesome.
well – Now I am speechless – I believe Charlie has a great future of becoming a business owner at the early age – Congrats!