Thankfulness in Photos
I love Thanksgiving. Today I am thanking my Heavenly Father for all the blessings he has bestowed upon us this year–this wild and crazy year! 2014 was EXCITING. It has been a challenge, full of change, and full of learning.
And I am thankful for it.

I am thankful that I have the kind of husband that helps coach everything my boys are involved in. Thank you, Alan!
I’m thankful my dad is such a FUN Granddaddy. Having a scooter hasn’t slowed him down at all. As Caleb would say, “Granddaddy, you’re just as crazy as ever,” as Caleb grins from ear to ear.
thankful for puddles
thankful for snow angels–and so thankful we got to live in a place where you get to make them!! Thank you, Lord!
thankful for my label maker and pretty jewelry
thankful for handed-down matching outfits
thankful for family watermelon nights
thankful that I took the time to get organized
So thankful I got to share D.C. with all four of my children!
thankful for consignment sales
thankful for oodles and oodles of toys
and baby smiles
thankful for Caleb
thankful for that weekend we got to spend with Alan’s grandparents while we weaned JD
so thankful for the people that cut the boys’ hair
thankful for snowboarding
thankful for the friends of my children
thankful for Joshua and for his victories
thankful for Nonna and for baby bottles
for Easter baskets
thankful for my mom and dad
for Radio Flyer wagons and azaleas
Thankful for Mother’s Day and for four sweet little boys
for backyard sports in the spring
and for friends
thankful for fun in the sun
and for wrestling
and moving companies, so we don’t have to pack our own junk
and photo albums
thankful for Alabama football for family
for that amazing road trip I got to take with my husband
for Alan
for getting to see all of this
for beautiful sunsets
for our 3rd honeymoon and for my parents watching the boys for us to do this
for relatives and crazy game nights
thankful for getting to home school
for the ability to laugh at myself for calling all those seals sea lions–Yes, those are actually seals.
and so is he
Not him. That’s an otter.
thankful for getting to watch herds of actual sea lions and whales, with Alan, Joshua, and Caleb
thankful for silly times
thankful for kayaking with the love of my life– I have never appreciated Alan as much as I have this year. I love you, Alan! Thank you so much for your support!
thankful to live in California, even if just for a little while
But isn’t everything really just for a little while?
thankful for J.D. and for getting to share their childhood
thankful that this is my life
thankful for my blog, and more importantly, all of the people that read it. Thank you for reading my blog!!!
I’m thankful that God in Heaven listened to the questions of a little girl, just 4 years old, when she asked, “But who is this God?” I’m thankful that he sent me the people I needed to meet, kept me from harm, led my whole family to know Him, and always loved me in spite of all of the horrible things that I have done. I’m thankful that he taught me of His love.
1 John Chapter 4
8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
What are you thankful for today?
Thank you!
A smile on each and every face… I’m thankful that such happiness exists in this world and that I can share in it! Wonderful post as always.
Aw! Thank you! Well, of course I rarely photograph the unhappy moments, of which there are plenty of those too…ha! I hope that you and your family also had a happy Thanksgiving!! 🙂 Thanks so much for your encouraging words!!!
Unfortunately we don’t celebrate thanks giving in South Africa, but I’m still thankful every day 😉
Aw! I feel so silly. I didn’t think of that!!
Your family is so adorable! Such wonderful pictures celebrating what really matters in life 🙂
Thank you! You have an adorable family too!
Another great post April. Love coming here, your faith is always so encouraging.
Thankful for God’s saving grace, my children all trust in Jesus, great memories of dad and mom, a job, great church congregation, and sleep (getting VERY heavy eyed at keyboard)
So thankful for blogging friends such as yourself,
God bless and happy American thanksgiving (had ours in Canada last month). 🙂 Good to be thankful each and every day.
Thank you, Carl! I am thankful for blogging friends like you too! It IS good to be thankful each and every day.
Great post – counting your blessings! I’m thankful that you take the time to keep us up to date on everything that is going on, so we can keep up with our family even when we are miles apart. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks! And we are thankful that you do so as well!! Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for you April and your sweet family. Happy Thanksgiving!!
Aw! We are thankful for your family, too! Hope you are all feeling better today!
. Enjoy Your Thanksgiving! May your holiday be joyful and may happiness surround it, with good things on your table and those you love around it!
thank you!! Happy thanksgiving to you too!