The results are in!! Thank you for your votes!!!
Just a quick post to let all of you WONDERFUL folks know that you can stop voting now. The results are in and I am……..drum roll please……..
#9 on’s list of the Most Influential Blogs of 2014!!!!
The list will be posted later this month, and I will, of course, be sharing it with ya’ll as soon as it’s posted.
I think it’s like one of those countdown of the year’s most influential blogs kind of deals. Exciting huh??? This is what happens when you blog obsessively, admit things in public that others wouldn’t, and have relatives and friends like my parents, Alan’s parents, Alan’s aunts, my aunts, and several of my friends both old and new, dedicated enough to vote for you every single day!! I had several friends and readers who let me know they were voting for me too, and it always takes me by surprise.
I don’t really know who reads the blog, unless you tell me that you read it, or you leave a comment. Please know that it makes me ecstatic when someone says, “Oh, I read your blog all the time. I liked what you said about….” Best feeling ever! I may act cool about it on the outside, but on the inside, I’m throwing a “Wahoo! They read my blog!!” party. 🙂
Meanwhile, most people I’ve met here don’t even know I have a blog, for several reasons:
1. It embarrasses me to admit that I blog. Why? I have no idea.
2. The amount of people that I have spoken more than a few sentences to here is still a very small number. I am still quiet-hermit-in my shell April for now. I’m slowly but surely integrating, though, thanks to a few dedicated souls who simply haven’t let me completely withdraw from society. More on that in my next post!
Moving takes so much time to adjust, apparently more so for some (me) than others!
Well, I won’t go off chasing rabbits tonight. I just wanted to say…..
Thank you!!!!

This is me saying, “Thank you!” while Daniel combs my hair with a pumpkin scooper. 🙂
“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”
Proverbs 13:20
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:7-8
Oh, April, can you move the Top Mommy Blogger voting box to the end of each post so we don’t forget to vote on that too? Just an idea.
When my email readers clicked on it from their email, it did not register as from, which means it did not count at all. It took me a while to figure that out. 🙁 I could still move it, though. I’ll try to remember that for next post. Thank you!
And also a big Thanks to Erin for introducing you two!
Congratulations April! You know we love your blog! Keep them coming!
Thank you! I will.
Congratulations, April!!! How exciting! 🙂 And I can totally relate to somehow being embarrassed about blogging. I don’t know why it is, but practically no one knows I blog… except those who are my facebook friends… but among my friends and neighbors, I just don’t bring it up. But, you are fabulous! Love your realness! Oh, and by the way, I keep meaning to tell you. A long time ago I mentioned I have a sister with 4 young kids who just started homeschooling. They do daily vlogs (J House Vlogs) and I thought you may want to connect with her. She often includes what they are doing for homeschool. Here is the link to their vlogs:
Congrats again on making the Top 10!!
So many thoughts! 1. Your sister is adorable. I watched a few of her videos! 2. Thank you for your sweet remarks. 3. So you feel too embarrassed to tell people too?? Isn’t that funny!? I have no idea why. We’re like secret bloggers, ha! My husband usually eventually brings it up, and I feel like crawling under the table, but at the same time, I hope they will read it! lol! Makes no sense!
Thank you, Jen!!
April, your blog posts come to my inbox everyday! So good to be able to hear about y’all’s travels, struggles and triumphs. We have 2 boys and another little one on the way so I can relate! I too want to start dabbling in EO’s so it’s fun to here about your successes. Hugs! Erin
Erin, You are so special to us, as THE person that introduced Alan to me, way back in 1999! You were also the very first person I met at the University of Alabama. I love to think back to our first year of school and the 14th floor girls. 🙂 Such fun memories. I did not know you are expecting #3!!! This is so exciting! Congratulations! I’m enjoying the EOs more and more and more. During the virus, I put thieves and purification in the diffuser, and while we were still sick, at least the house smelled like Christmas!!! 🙂 That purification one must have cinnamon in it!
Congratulations!! Love your blog 🙂
Thank you so much!!!