funny stories

These Delightful Children

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This boy has loved this third or fourth hand Nursery Rhymes book until it has completely fallen apart. The adorable-ness level fills my heart with joy.

Everyday. My friend Barbara once remarked that, “We can never truly get depressed because we have these children that keep us going. They make us happy.”

They do. Did I feel gloriously joyful this morning, when right as we were supposed to leave for church, I found JD soaked from head to toe with toilet water??? Um no. And he was drenched. Boy must have been dunking his head into the bowl.

ARgh.  He was wearing the ONE pair of non-jogging-type-pants that was clean too. I had him looking so adorable before the toilet bath, and instead he ended up attending church in an Alabama t-shirt and black wind pants.  : /

No. Elated isn’t quite how I was feeling, but underneath my aggravation, I was busy and happy. This job is fun. There’s no denying it.

Caleb was very disappointed in our tardiness. He likes to get to Sunday school early so he can eat a third breakfast. I think he puts up quite a fuss if he gets there late and they don’t serve him food. How do I know? Because we got a note the third or so week that we went to this church. It said something like this:

“Breakfast is served at 9:45. He has to arrive on time to receive breakfast.”

baaaahahahahaha   We shame-facedly took our note, tucked our tails between our legs, and took our obviously starving child home…ah punctuality, what families of little ones are known for…

AW. Isn’t he cute, playing with his dollhouse fire station? 😉 Actually, he is getting thinner lately. He paused on his dash into breakfast Sunday school this morning to ask me to tighten his pants. Now these weren’t big pants. These were hand-me-downs from Joshua. I tightened them as tight as you can possibly tighten them, and they still had a little room, but he just had to go with that.

Anyone have a great recommendation for pants for skinny but tall boys?

They keep us laughing. I laugh every single day. Yesterday I took Daniel with me to the grocery store, and I let the others stay home with Daddy. This was a mistake because without Joshua and Caleb there to help, I had to haul my two buggies around the store by myself, with Daniel happily making the first buggy (the race car one) heavier as he “drove” it.

People always smile at me when I take multiple helpful little boys to the store with me. People were more like scowling at me, walking all slow with those two buggies and just the one kid. I guess I looked slow and greedy. I needed a sign that read, “Feeding 6 people. Stop judgin’.”

Daniel always goes to the grocery store with me. Daniel will go anywhere you want to go, and he hates being left at home. Joshua and Caleb are the opposite. They seem to think that home is base and everything else is work, which requires them to wear real clothes.

Well, you know we moved this year, so I’m learning my way around a new place, which isn’t easy. I get lost. Also, I’m a day dreamer. Sometimes I miss even the turns that I do know. This is really bad because then I don’t know how to fix it. I only know the one route to most places.

Daniel knows this about me a little too well. He was apparently very proud of me for making it allll the way to the grocery store and back without getting lost.

As we turned onto the highway, Daniel said, “You made the right turn!!!  Good job, Mommy!”

: / “Thank you, Daniel. Let’s listen to the radio.” I turned on the radio.

“No, not this Mommy. Other radio!”

I switched it to our Classical Conversations memory work CD. It features history, learn the presidents in order, and skip counting songs, among other things.

“Yes! This one!” He did his best to sing along. So adorable.

We pulled into the grocery store. He was ecstatic. “You did it, Mommy! You got all the way here and no you get lost. Good job, Mommy!”


“Me want race car buggy.”

We shopped, we left, and then Daniel congratulated me on all of my correct turns all the way home. It was a humbling experience.

Hope you all have a great week. I hope you all make all your turns correctly, get all the breakfast you want, and do not find anyone washing their hair in your toilet!


April is an upbeat, Christian, blog-obsessed, military wife, and home schooling mom of four little boys. She writes about education, travel, and humorous adventures in parenting. Follow along if you’d like a little bit of encouragement and a whole lot of crazy.

View Comments

  • They just too cute! You are so right-kids just make our lives that much better! I love reading your posts:)

  • Bahahaahaa! Nothing like food to motivate us Christians :) I agree with not being able to be depressed with children around. This time around, postpartum, has been more "cheery" for me, because I fake it around Wesley. Then, before I know it, I am actually happy because I pretended to be. Hilarious that Daniel praised you for making it to the store and back - classic! Great post, April.

    • Thank you. Oh yeah, I've done plenty of faking it...and then they are just so cute you can't help but smile.

  • I'm not always in love with their styles but children's place fits skinny but tall boys. And they have an outlet if you live near one or you can shop sales online. I usually try to snag some at consignment sales. Also, I found great sweat pants and long knit type athletic pants at Marshalls for $10. And they were plain and Nike brand so they looked decent and not baggy at the knees, etc. Logan loves them, haha.

    • That sounds good. Yes, my boys loooove athletic pants, sometimes a little too much.

  • Happy new year and best wishes to you and yours for health, happiness, peace & prosperity in 2015!

    • Thank you! Happy New Year and best wishes to you as well! Thanks for stopping by.

  • Oh. My. I laughed so hard at this post. Brilliant. Mostly because I recognize my own boys in your tales. Especially about feeling that home is base and everything else is work. "Real clothes?!" My Littles grumbled just this morning. We had errands to run after school, and I couldn't help my secret, happy grin as I reiterated the real clothes command. 'Cause if my kids have to be spoiled, let it be because they love being home with me and having school in their pajamas! lol

    • Thank you!! So glad you laughed! It really does say good things about home when they don't want to leave it. So many children do not get to feel that way. : ( Hope your semester is off to a great start!

  • This is so funny! I think it is great that Daniel encouraged you for making it to the grocery store without missing any turns.

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