Warning: Boy on the loose with a screwdriver!
Have I mentioned that I only have 4 weeks of teaching left for this year? Surely I have mentioned this because I am plumb GIDDY.
The last few weeks of teaching are a lot like the last few weeks of ANYTHING. It’s getting a little sloppy. People that say “finish strong” are basically just getting on my nerves at this point.
So here’s what’s been going on:
1.Caleb developed a sudden fascination with a screw driver today. The toys took a hit.
2. The blog is doing well. In fact, the blog is doing so well that I’m being bombarded with “sponsored post” requests on a daily basis. I’m going to honor the ones that I have accepted, and then I am going to post a price list. I figure that will end the bombardment, as few people actually want to pay much for advertising. I’m thinking $50/review. Not even kidding. I’ve worked hard on this blog, and my time is valuable.
Don’t worry, friends. These fees won’t apply to friends and family.
Don’t ya’ll think that sounds fair?
And while we’re on the topic, I would like some feedback, from you, my friends and family, my readers on what you’d like me to review on the blog. Food? Services? Health? Kitchen supplies? Beauty supplies? Curriculums? What kind of reviews would you like? Or none at all? Tell me that too. 😉 Lay it on me.
3. JD is using three words consistently: Yes, No, Nooooooo, This.
He can also say all of our names, but I just love hearing his adorable little voice.
cornbread fiend
4. You know the phrase “eat or be eaten?”
JD takes that phrase seriously. He is the biggest food thief. First, he goes to his plate and eats all that he wants from that. Then he climbs down, walks over to Dan’s plate, before Dan even makes it to the table, and he eats Daniel’s food! Not kidding! He especially does this with cornbread and mashed potatoes. Boy loves him some ‘taters. 😉
Actually, all food is pretty hard to get your hands on. Alan just cried out in dismay, “Where are the brownies!??” Seriously, Alan, when you left the house this morning there were 3.5 brownies in the pan, how could you possibly expect brownies by the time you got home????
6. California is turning brown again. This makes me really sad. I keep praying for rain. Each time I pray, it will rain a wee bit the next day, the ground soaks it up, and then it’s gone. C’mon ya’ll!!!! Let’s pray for rain!!!
Toddlers are a lot like cats. They like to sit on the table. Don’t worry. We don’t let him do that often, but it’s really not a big deal to us. I’m sorry. Once you have so many children, you simply are not so tightly wound any more, and there’s no way to get the high-stress parent mode back. You’re welcome, John David.
Okay. I HAVE to go clean up, and I WANT to make Alan brownies. Even I have standards. 😉
Hey, he was cold. Two hats helped him. 🙂 Have a great week, ya’ll!
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View Comments
Congrats on your success!! I think curriculum reviews would be great, I don't see those as often. I don't actually homeschool, but I love teaching my kids outside of their regular school and I actually have a little homeschooling library. I'm sort of obsessed with learning about it. :P
I'm also in California - I've stopped watering my lawn - I'd love to put in a drought-tolerant front yard, but I'm renting and my landlord is lazy. But some of them are so beautiful, and my front lawn is so . . . not. Feeling your pain and praying for rain too!
It is a frustrating problem, isn't it!? You are so right about curriculum reviews. I don't run across a ton of those. That would be fun to do. There are some beautiful drought-tolerant lawns in our neighborhood, and we rent too so I am with you. The part of our yard that our neighborhood doesn't water for us is horrible....and half of it is completely taken over by gophers! Ha!
Congrats on all the blog success! I do enjoy the reviews. I would be interested in any reviews, but probably would enjoy kitchen supplies, beauty supplies, and curriculum most from the ones you listed.
Looks like Caleb has got the unscrewing down pat! Too funny. Alan and the brownies - I am surprised he didn't see that coming...
Thanks!And thank you for the feedback! You would really think Alan would know better by now, right? Poor Alan.
LOL, great post.. I was baffled by the title at first tho, I must say! haha.. - http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
Thanks. :) I like to be hokey like that.
Fifty sounds completely reasonable! I am so happy you are getting sponsored post pitches, set up that paypal account and get paid before the post goes live. Or make sure they send you a check! Our grocery bill is off the hook, how do these children eat so much??!!
The paypal is next on my list. How did you know? Oh, right. Been there, done that. ;) The groceries--oh they are insane, and who has time for couponing?
I don't get a chance to comment on your posts nearly as often as I'd like to but I wanted you to know that you're still my favorite mommy blogger EVER and I love every thing you put out there. I'm right with you praying for that rain. Feeling like we're going to be moving straight into a tinder box this summer. I was born and raised in Golden California but I guess lush Hawaii has spoiled me a bit and I'm kind of dreading all that brown. Pray we'll be protected from forest fires up there in the mountains. Keep up the great work! You're finishing strong!
Thank you so much. I can't tell you what an encouragement you have been. I think about the "full manger" so often when I look around at our mess...Ah, Golden California. I definitely pray God will protect ya'll from fires. We had one a few miles from our house recently. The boys were like, "Look! Helicopters!" OY!!
$50 sounds fair place to start to me. Price is determined by demand: Economics 101
I'm not sure about younger siblings having to deal with less neurotic stress in life. Just sayin' being I'm a third child.
Aw! I take it you had plenty of neurotic stress. I was the middle child, but I was like the first since my sister is 'profoundly retarded.' I'm always looking for a nicer sounding way to label my sister's brain damage, but there isn't one. It's a big deal.....anyway....I was one neurotic middle child myself.
It is something to see how much JD looks like Daniel! For suggestions... I like to read about ways to run a household economically, frugally, including food, meal planning, services, household products, and entertainment. I also like to read about the challenges of raising 4 boys and homeschooling. This would include curriculums and Christian upbringing. And, of course, we like the daily exploits of your family.
Yes! This is exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. Thank you!
I think you should totally charge what you are worth. Go for it! You earned it! And yes, after 2 kids, the reins are loosened a bit. ;)
Thank you! I will. :) hehe First borns turn out with more worldly success, thanks to parental pushing, but I bet those younger sibs deal with a lot less neurotic stress in life.