“No, really I’m from here!” One perfect trip South
I’m so happy to tell you that our flight was a smashing success.

JD is now a veteran flyer. He took his very first turn on an ipad on this trip. It kept him occupied for all of like ten minutes.
Yes, he insisted on riding the airplane barefoot. He is a boy after my own heart. I will never fully understand you shoe people. 😉 But that’s okay. You can wear your shoes, and we can wiggle our toes freely, and we can all get along just fine.
The boys are now at Alan’s parents’ house. Thank you Nonna and DaddyO! They are playing hard, swimming in Nonna’s great big kiddie pool, watching movies, and having a great summer.
I did leave them each a worksheet to do. One a day. I feel like if they can just do a few math problems and read each WEEKday, my job won’t be too hard when we start school back in the fall. There was a bit of carrying on and agony about this the first couple of days, but they have now accepted it and moved on.
Meanwhile, I’m at the beach with my mom!
I’ve been to beaches all over America and the Caribbean, and this one is still my favorite. I love everything about it, and this weekend has been especially perfect.
It felt like God was smiling down on us.
We’ve had it so good. Mom and I played in these waves for an hour today and an hour yesterday. We swam in the swimming pool. We took walks. We shopped at the outlet mall. We even went thrift store shopping. It has been a ball!
I keep hearing kids yell, “Mom!!” on the beach, and I always instinctively turn around, but what do you know. They aren’t calling for me. I have no responsibilities whatsoever!
It’s so fun, but of course, I miss the boys, and I can’t wait to bring them with me next time.
Mom pointed out this note card on the wall of the condo. We’ve been frequenting this condo forever, but we haven’t gotten to come since 2012. We found this notice, complete with a note from Alan at the bottom of it, from our stay in 2012.
It’s something any parent could understand.
Apparently, we had to buy a few replacement slats that year. That FYI at the bottom is obviously Alan’s handwriting. I wonder if we will have to replace any slats this year. Come on, boys, let’s see how slick you can be, and look out the window without messing up the blinds! I really got a chuckle out of this problem that we apparently dealt with 3 years ago.
And yet, I have almost no memory of that problem whatsoever.
This has been such a refreshing time, just having fun in Destin with my mom. I’m just tickled pink and thankful! Mom needed a vacation just as badly as I did.
By the way, I will always feel like I am truly a Southerner, no matter where I live. But Alan and I can’t seem to convince Southerners that don’t know us of that.
We were on the airplane, and we had a conversation that went like this:
Alabama man on the plane, talking to Alan: Why would you go to Florida, if you live in California?
Alan: Well, we have family here, and …
Me: Oh! Well, Destin is hot!
Lady behind me: Oh, but with the breeze, it’s nice.
(Oops. That’s not what I meant.)
Me: Well, I mean, we’ve been freezing our butts off in California, so we’re looking forward to the hot.
Fast forward to Cracker Barrel.
Alan and I ate there on Saturday. While we were there, we purchased a painting that I liked and had it shipped to our house, so we had to give them our address, which made them think we were from California. We tried to explain.
“We’re not really from California, but we live there now.”
We paid and went on our way, and as I was walking away, I heard the cashier tell another worker, “They’re from California. They’re real sweet, though.”
I didn’t turn around and say anything. I’m surprisingly good at biting my tongue.
So here’s what I wanted to say, because I’m not even good at thinking of things to say later. Most people can at least think of what to say later:
“No, really, we’re one of you!! We are so Alabama!”
Or something like that. Not that there’s anything wrong with being from California because California is lovely. It’s just that we’re not, but we are living there, so….. we really do live a confusing life with all this moving!
But Destin is really where it’s at. We love this place.
I am in such an ideal phase right now. I’ve had a relaxing and fun vacation with my mom.
That train wreck of a first year of home schooling is nothing but history. We aren’t giving birth OR moving this year, and these calm waters of summer sure feel like Heaven itself.
4I I sought the LORD, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
5Those who look to him are radiant,
and their faces shall never be ashamed.
6This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him
and saved him out of all his troubles.
7The angel of the LORD encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
8Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:4-8
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So happy you had a safe and productive flight!!! Your photos are fun, you have a lovely family! <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
How beautiful! I wish I could be at that beach! I think my Anneliese and your JD would get along fabulously, she really really despises shoes too!
Oh, I bet they would have a ball together. I hope you do get to go to that beach someday. It’s my FAVE.
I’m an east coast girl but I did live in California, and yes! It can be quite cold and you start to crave warm and sunny beaches. Always nice to get away!
I love that you’ve lived in California. So many people are surprised when I say it’s cold. 🙂
It would have been so nice to get to spend some time with your Mom April.
I have never been to Florida, but what a beautiful (and deserted) beach. Amazing that the condos are right on the beach.
Thanks for sharing! 🙂
It was! I know! Our condo was right across the street from the beach. I kept taking very careful camera pictures, leaving out people as much as possible. Sooooooo, it really wasn’t deserted at all. It used to be, though! Our beach has grown in popularity recently! It is crazy beautiful and WARM and sunny, and oh, I just can’t say enough good things! I hope your summer is off to a great start!
Yep, really enjoying the warmer weather. Made me smile, your picture taking is very similar to mine. I am very conscious with taking pictures to try and leave out people as much as possible.
Have a great day! 🙂
Sounds like it is just what you and Lisa needed. Glad we have had this time with the boys.
Thank you! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it!
What a happy blog! I’m so glad you had a great time there in Destin. You (and your Mom) look great! I can’t wait to spend time down there with the whole family!
Thank you! me too! I can’t wait for you to get back!