Angry Bird
So we flew back to California (via Southwest). No, those were not our flight attendants. That’s just my friend Jennings and one of her fellow stewardesses. Actually, Jennings has informed me that “no one says stewardess anymore.”
We had a fairly uneventful day in the air. No horror stories to share with you this time. Either we’re getting better at this, or God is just having mercy.
Now our friends are here, and the staycation portion of Summer break has begun. So far we’ve done Point Lobos and the aquarium. We’ve done such a good job of keeping busy that all 6 kids just pass out every night by 8:30. We never hear a peep out of them.
The kids are so HAPPY. You should see them all bouncing around together, and they are so sweet the way that they always include Daniel.

Dan, Amy, and me
We’ve had a hard time lately with the little fellow we sometimes call “Angry Bird.” He has not been a gracious host.
JD has always had a hard time with change and non-stop activity. Ever since he turned 2, it seems like he’s always perturbed. Sometimes even JD can’t figure out why he’s upset.
This morning he cried because I was too busy to pick him up, but when I finally picked him up, he cried to be put down. Then he just sat down and cried. Nothing helped. I had to set him in his room for a few minutes to figure out what to do. It wasn’t nap time. It was breakfast time, but he wasn’t eating. Once I stepped away from the fit throwing child, I realized he needed consequences and a talk. We did that, and it worked beautifully.
If only we could give fit-throwing grown-ups consequences…. Wait, no. I sometimes do throw fits, and the consequence is typically having to apologize and eat a dose of humble pie.
As we speak, JD and I are having a little bonding time. He’s in my lap playing cars and looking at these pictures that I’m posting.
He LOVES this picture: all of his favorite things: Mom and cars.
I guess I’ve lost my mind, trying to blog with a 2-year-old on my lap. He keeps trying to type and touch the screen.
Everyone else went into town to ride paddle boats and play at the playground, but JD was asleep, and you don’t wake a grumpy toddler.
And I do mean grumpy AND particular. In Florida, he didn’t want to swim. He didn’t want to play in the sand. He didn’t want to be held in the waves, at the beach. He kept trying to let go of us, fully confident that he could magically swim in the ocean.
He did like the donuts though.
Yes, I know. It looks like he ate too much junk food on vacation. Maybe he’s now having sugar withdrawal. Sugar is a pretty addictive substance!
Happy 4th! It’s beach and kayak day for us. I’m sure the beach won’t be crowded at all. Move over, people! Here we come!
Sometimes I feel grumpy and can’t define why, either. It must be a million times harder for a little person still figuring out his emotions! Good luck, and happy 4th!
Yes, that’s true. Angry Bird appreciates your speaking in his defense. 🙂
That’s my son at age three. It was like a light switch the day of his birthday! He’s still a very happy child but certainly more perturbed and screamy at me. What gives?
I always wondered what flight attendants did all day? (just kidding)
I wish I knew what gives. I’m going to hope it’s phase.
I can completely relate with your little “Angry Bird.” My 22 month old can flip from our cute little girl to the “Hulk” in 2 seconds flat. She just gets so mad sometimes for no good reason. Like you said, they cry because they want something SO bad, but then you finally give it to them and they HATE it. It’s a good thing they are so cute! 😉
It IS a good thing they are so cute. Yes! They can flip in a heart beat.
“JD has always had a hard time with change and non-stop activity.”
I can absolutely identify with that. : )
Ha! Yes, he does seem like a louder version of you. You’re always so nice and try to go with the flow. JD lets us know how he feels.
You blog with a two year old in your lap! That is pretty impressive my friend 🙂
haha Thanks. And pretty nutty!