Dirt boy does not wish to go to the potty.
JD is the definition of “all boy”. He requires 2 baths and 3 sponge-downs/day. He plays in dirt, sand, mud, and water. He’s the easiest toddler in the world because you will hardly hear a grunt out of him all day.
He wakes up, and he says, “Dirt?”
“You want to go play in the dirt?”
“Sure,” and we open the door to our mini-fence. It is literally a mini-fence. It is the size of a bedroom, and since there is no air-conditioning or bugs, we just leave the door to the house wide open. JD spends half the day in his tiny play yard.
He’s so filthy by noon that I bathe him, feed him lunch, and put him to bed. He sleeps for a couple of hours. Then he wakes up and says, “Dirt?”
“Dirt? Beach?”
He calls his sand box the beach.
Right now JD and Daniel are actually inside. JD has 2 Sarge jeeps from the Cars movie, so Dan convinced him to let him hold one. JD is very serious about his car collection. His favorite is this random hot rod called Boost. We only know his name is Boost because it’s written on his license plate.
All day:
“Beach? Boost? Dirt?”
“Where Dad?”
“Where Dad?”
He’s so cute, we just can’t leave him alone, and he’s two so he still likes to cuddle with me.
He was not impressed with the Potty Training Pep Talk that I posted last week. He’s boycotting the potty.
I was all geared up for the process too, y’all. I took a deep breath, Alan bought underwear, and I announced our plan to the tiny man.
“Look JD! Underwear! You are a big boy. You can pee on the potty and wear underwear.”
His eyes filled with sudden panic. His jaw set in utter determination.
Hmmm. The family stubborn gene is also strong with this one.
This is not how I had this planned.
I forged on. He wore the underwear, not that he approved of it.
I took him to the potty.
“Noooooo!” He fled the potty as though it were a rattlesnake. I don’t get it. Three weeks ago he loved the potty.
Why do toddlers pull this kind of mess?
Sooooo…..I put the underwear in the drawers. I put the boys back in Luvs. I’m going to have to buy a stupid tiny potty. I didn’t want to. It’d be so much easier if he’d just use the big potty like the rest of us. That’s what Daniel did.
But let’s face it. JD and Daniel are about as alike as a dog and a cat, so my next step is to try the little potty.

What? Does your house not look like this? Yes, they also play with my shoes. Shoes are obviously magnificent toys.
Do any of my California peeps have a potty they aren’t currently using that we could borrow for, oh, I don’t know, 6 months?
Each baby continues to remind me: As a parent, we never have this thing figured out. Each baby is unique, and some babies are down right humbling.
Embrace the humbling. Pride cometh before a fall.
Hope you are all having a great week! Anyone have any similar potty stories they’d like to share?
Getting a little potty did make a huge difference in JD’s willingness to participate in potty training. He used it right away. He even pooped on it the first weekend, which he followed by not pooping on it again for months. No, really months. Sometimes potty training is a long drawn-out process, and that is the truth.
April, sorry I had to laugh when JD’s 1st word he says upon waking is “DIRT”. 🙂
I do feel for you with the potty training situation. Each child was different, but for 2 of ours, it was very challenging. It is interesting, God gives like a negative amnesia, where we forget the negative moments of parenting, yet ALWAYS remember the great memories.
May God encourage you April. In this moment of time it can be so overwhelming, in a few years time it will all be but forgotten.
Thank you for sharing your heart. Praying as I type this out.
Glad you got a laugh. Potty training is a unique sort of parent torture. Ha. And yet, it’s really not that bad. Thank you for your encouraging words. You do have a gift for always knowing the right things to say. That’s a fruit of the spirit that blesses others. Thank you!
My potty training experiences are only good for solidarity purposes! My daughter was 4.5 when she finally got out of diapers. My boys trained earlier, and easier, but it still wasn’t by the book. So glad to be beyond the diaper stage, though! Good luck with it!
It is a good feeling to have completed something difficult and be DONE. One day soon I will be there with you, and then of course, I will miss the chubby little hands.
Oh my gosh, I’ve never seen Anyone as difficult to train as Middle was. I was still working at the time, and he had to be trained to be able to go to daycare. Any Daycare. None of them would take him unless he was completely trained. So I had to start him earlier than I would have liked and the process was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. And this after Big had trained himself. Just up and decided one day Before He Was Two that he wanted to use the potty like everybody else. And did, from that moment on. I didn’t have to do Anything. So I had no experience when it came time to train my second child. Early. Thanks for reminding me. (Yeah, that was sarcasm. lol) JD is completely adorable, by the way.
Thank you! Middle sounds like he would fit in well here. Ha!
“Everyone should have a happy place.” So true. My happy place is being with Nonna : )
Aw! Now that is sweet!
LOL!!! Your title made me snarf my coffee!!! – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
hehe Yay!
That’s cute – the sandbox is “the beach.” My son calls our swingset “sunset playground”!
My daughter was definitely trained by 2.5. And my son is now three and we JUST finished it. I guess it’s not finished but we have near perfect days. Not perfect.
They’re all so different! It sure is humbling.
Sunset playground–how poetic! At least he’s working on it. It’ll be done before you know it.
Wow, JD looks so old in that last shot. I have no stories to share, but I do share your dread and fear of potty training 🙂
Haa! Thanks! It will be over before we know it.