Creating Our Home school Schedule
For my first year of home schooling, I worked out a schedule and adjusted it repeatedly until it WORKED. That was last year. I had a one-year-old.
Year 2: Three weeks in. I now have a 2-year-old, which means less nap time. I also added in teaching time for the 3rd kid. That’s right. Daniel was 3 last year, so I wasn’t actually spending much time teaching him.
Plus, we decided to return to kids’ sports. Oh, and I now go to 3 doctor appointments a week. The physical therapy ones last over an hour.
So there’s been this glaring problem.
I have no schedule. Not really. I can’t figure one out.
I haven’t actually told anyone this, but God knew. He must have told my friend Kim because yesterday she brought me a book to borrow. Kim has been home schooling for like 15 years. I also ordered a copy, and it will arrive soon.
It looks like this:

Link to order one:
I’m in the process of going through this book to build a schedule that will work for this busy time of life. I needed all the help I could get!
This is not a sponsored post. I tried to make it one. I emailed the Maxwells to beg for a sample. They sent me a fiction novel instead. But you see, I need the schedule first so I can find the time to read the novel…..Oh, well! At least I tried! 😉
So this is where I’ve been. I will return to blogging regularly once I have gotten further along in this transition.
I miss reading more than 1 minute of Facebook at a time, reading my favorite blogs, and sharing in your joys and crying over your sadness!!
I do not miss being up on the latest news. Alan told me about the reporter being shot. I happened upon the Josh the Pervert Duggar story, and that’s the extent of my knowledge. All ‘news’ is bad news, and I don’t miss it at all.
Thanks for the support!! I have always said that I have the BEST friends, family, and blog readers.
One funny story for the road:
Daniel was at Cubbies last night, and they had his name written on a chart. He was supposed to put a sticker by his name. He looked at the chart. He said, “My name not on here.”
“Yes, it is,” his teacher said.
“No, it not.”
She showed him his name; it was the first one listed, first and last name, at the top of the chart.
He pointed to the “Daniel” part and said, “That my name.” Then he pointed to the last name and said, “But that NOT my name.”
They explained the last name concept to Dan.
He replied, “Oh. My mom does call me that sometimes.”
Okay 2 stories:
How Daniel said his memory verse last night: “God loves us, and him did send his son!” said with a healthy dose of Ghetto attitude.
I’ll be back to blogging and reading regularly as soon as I get the schedule worked out!!
I write a lot of blogs in my head or standing in the shower at night but they don’t make it to the screen! Keep the faith, This season passes for all of us too. Praying for your peace and for your clarity as you find what works for you this year. 🙂 Know that you can have a different schedule each week or each month and that is okay too. Blessings and hugs! Leesa
Hey that looks like a kick bum book! Tell me how it all turns out! Good luck and hugs my friend 🙂
That book looks amazing – may it work wonders.
The Daniel story is just so cute!
I hope you get everything straightened out soon.
April, email me if you need more help. I’m going to look at the book myself, but I might have some ideas for you if you need them. Don’t you hate it when you really want to do a sponsored post and can’t get it worked out? 😉 Good luck with everything. I look forward to you getting back to posting regularity, and will miss you in the meantime!
April, I so admire you for your diligence. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being honest.. Praying that God will bring wonderful encouragements along your journey this year. 😉
Thank you, Carl!!