Homeschool Year 2, Day 18

Daniel spent all morning pretending to fix all the sinks, just like the plumber. My cup runneth over because this was just the cutest thing. I will forever have a heart for little boys.
Errand Day
I am going to attempt to take 4 children on a MEGA grocery shopping trip.
If I do not return, you all now know why…..
The day is actually off to a good start.
- A plumber installed a new faucet. It doesn’t leak into the cabinet, it doesn’t leak into the sink, it doesn’t spray water off to the side, it has no hole shooting out water from the handle. It’s all very EXCITING.
- We went on our daily morning walk.
- They just had to answer questions before we could leave: a science question:What are the 5 kingdoms of living things?
- A history question: What are Commandments 6-10?
- And an English question: Name the first 5 prepositions in alphabetical order: About-against. I didn’t even remember them all, but Joshua did! Hurray!!
- Can you answer those questions? 😉
Okay, here are the answers: Science (animal, plantae, fungi, protista, monera)
History: Thou shalt not kill, not commit adultery, not steal, not bear false witness against thy neighbor, not covet.
English: about, above, across, after, against—I might have left one out, I don’t have my cheat sheet handy…
Then I made the big boys do math. I caught Joshua doing nothing halfway through and moved him to where I could watch him.
I caught Caleb reading instead of doing math. I was highly torn because Caleb desperately needs extra reading practice. He never did finish his math, but we are going to the grocery store, and that boy will spend all day on that until he gets it done.
I thought and prayed about quitting home schooling pretty much all morning.
But I have to finish this year. Next year this experiment is over. I am too uptight and also not uptight enough to be good at this. I’m just all wrong. But stubborn. Definitely stubborn!
We’re off to the grocery store.
Let me know if you like Usborne books! I’m hosting a sale tomorrow, and I’d love to send you an invite or a link!
“The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back.” –William Simms
Don’t give up on home schooling yet! 🙂 Keep on keeping on and before you know it God will fill in all the spaces that you don’t meet. You children will be growing and gaining in ways you never thought possible. Just keep praying. Schools near us have been letting out early because of the heat. They get to school, do a bit of work, eat lunch, and return home. Are they getting all that you are giving your children? Even if the ARE getting through math and reading in the same day, those children are not getting the training or the love that you are able to give yours every day.
Keep the faith!! It is worth it! Hugs!
Fixing the sinks?! Oh that is just too cute! Did you make it back in one piece? I hired the 11 year old last week to take care of the toddler and the 7 year old so I could go to Costco without all of them. Best 2 bucks ever! P.S. I didn’t answer all of the questions right 🙂 Time for a refresher!
We had an amazingly successful trip. I am getting so close to having a babysitter!! It is such a game changer. Oh, I would have never gotten these before I was teaching.
We had a plumber come out a couple of weeks ago. For the next week, every time we used the sink in the guest bathroom, we heard “Mr. Jeremy fixed it!” I got all the questions but the history one, sadly. I made up a “rap” of sorts when I had to memorize prepositions (I think I was in 5th or 7th grade, maybe?) and I still remember most of it. I made a recording of myself singing it and listened to it over and over to learn it for the test. I’d love an Usborne link – I may order something. They do have great books. A morning walk with 4 boys? Impressive! I saw a lady going down our street today pushing a stroller and pulling a wagon with 2 kids in it, that appeared to be around 2 years old. You’re “stubborness” to finish out this year is admirable. Praying for you!
I love how fascinated small children are by people that come and work on the house. That’s our public school education. That’s why you’d miss the history one. i would have too. Actually, before this year, I would have missed ALL of these. So you’re sitting pretty in my book. I’ll be happy to send you the Usborne link! And always THANK YOU for the prayers. God really spoke to me today. Prayers are so vital.
I am thrilled you have a new faucet and I didn’t even realize that the leaking extended into the cabinet! I hope your grocery expedition goes well. You definitely want to keep them situated where you can easily see over their shoulders just passing by when they should be doing their school work.
Me neither! The plumber told me. The grocery expedition went so well that the cashier convinced me to buy them a bar of chocolate to share. LOL. My helpers were the envy and show of the store. Ha! They really are pretty great.
Yes, April, I would like an invite to the Usborne book sale. Love those books!
You got it!