She talks about her realm of expertise, the things that she can do, and do well.
Tamara is really into the photography AND writing aspect of blogging. Actually, she’s also a genius at the social networking part of it too.
I enjoy the writing, and you know I love me some pictures. But photography? Taking wedding photos for other people? Let me go run and hide now because that is so NOT in my wheelhouse.
I get nervous when tourists hand me their cameras. What if I just ruin it?? One time Alan’s Aunt Ellen let me take a video of her family at Christmas, and while I did not provide a quality video, I DID provide side-splitting laughter for anyone who watched that film. There’s something hilarious about watching someone film people’s FEET while saying, “Oh, yeah, I got you in here. Looks good!”
I can’t believe I haven’t had anymore video or photography offers…
Today I dropped a couple of balls and goofed on a project I was working on, and I was asking myself, “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I get anything right? No one is going to trust me with anything.”
I’ve gotta cut out that sort of thinking.
What are you GOOD at? What do you enjoy? Then focus on that activity for as long as you can. Find a way to devote time to THAT, even if it means finding child care for a little while.
I love this verse:
6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,[b] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Romans 12:6-8
I’m taking a few minutes to think about what IS in my wheelhouse. What DO I enjoy doing? What am I good at? What do I do that helps others?
Well, of course, I made a list. It feels like bragging, but I promise it’s not. It’s turning negative thoughts into positive ones.
-I write. I write with honesty and humility. I’m not into fiction. It’s fun to read, but I’m more into writing about humor, spirituality, and ideas.
-I cook, and I LOVE it. I can make chicken and dumplins that’ll make you want to slap yo Mama.(No, autocorrect. It is DUMPLINS.)
My husband actually has to ask me to please not cook so much because the refrigerator is so full. That’s why I had time to blog today. Leftovers have been requested!! I know. I have the best husband ever.
-I’m funny.
I used to hate being called funny, way back when I was in high school. Boys were always teasing me and telling me how funny I was, and I was 16, so I really just wanted to be PRETTY! But I’m older and wiser now. Beauty is fleeting, so I’m good with funny. I’m also so thankful to be out of high school.
-I do like teaching. I’m stressed all the time because I’m a poor time manager who doesn’t plan or delegate well, but I truly enjoy reading to the boys, teaching them about cells, and planning little activities for them. I can’t tell you how happy I felt today, writing out the 6 times table, for the boys to cut up and practice with.
-Babies. Babies are now in my wheelhouse. Before I had Joshua, I knew NOTHING about babies. Now I adore them. Babies mellow a person.
-Oh, according to KLOUT, this thing you will never have to worry about if you are not a blogger, I am an “expert at being a mom.”
I laughed so hard at that. Please note: Not. true.
-Bible study. I have this book. It’s my verse book. I have it sub-divided into subject categories. When I come across a verse that’s relevant to a topic that I think may come in handy, I file it into my book.
My Homemade Big Book of Verses: Those post-it notes on the cover are the verses I’m loving right now. Ephesians is so wonderful. I’ve spent weeks on it.
I have no formal Bible training, other than going to church and listening to sermons multiple times/week for the past 30 years. I’ve never attended any Christian schools. However, I have read it on my own since I was 11, and I read Bible study guides. I’ve read the Bible through several times, but I still have so much to learn.
The Bible has to be taken as a whole. You can’t take one verse from the Bible and build your theology on that. Believe it or not, everything is NOT black and white. It’s not about a list of rules. God is so much greater than that.
…2But when the Pharisees saw this, they said to Him, “Look, Your disciples do what is not lawful to do on a Sabbath.” 3But He said to them, “Have you not read what David did when he became hungry, he and his companions, 4how he entered the house of God, and they ate the consecrated bread, which was not lawful for him to eat nor for those with him, but for the priests alone?… Matthew 12:2-4
The Bible says to not work on the Sabbath, but Jesus healed people on the Sabbath.
God wants us to combine our knowledge of good and evil with common sense, mercy, and decency.
I wish the world could grasp the way that Jesus changed the story.
One day, I’d really love to spend WAY more time writing about Biblical things. It’s an intimidating thing to do, though, because I know what a crummy sinner I am. If I write about Jesus all the time, the whole world will hold me accountable to back that up with the way I live. Scary, isn’t it?
I’ll do my best. It’s in my wheelhouse to write about the things of God. I hope that you will all give me grace as I grow, but please know that I will never be perfect. People just aren’t.
I’m thankful that grace is in God’s wheelhouse.
What is in yours?
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View Comments
Great concept! I'm trying to let go of things that are just not in my wheelhouse and let them be done at "good enough". (DIY springs to mind!)
YES, I agree with Janet. You are an incredible hostess. You don't get overly stressed about people coming over, you focus on the people instead (very Mary, not Martha) and you know how to ensure everyone has a good time. Very hospitable, indeed. Oh, and you are a good encourager, always excited to celebrate with others' successes. I always love to share stuff with you because you get so excited with me. Great idea - focus on the positives....I like it!
Thank you, Amy. I really appreciate that! It's so funny b/c when I focus on the negative, I tend to to shame myself for my lack of Marthaness. ha! I'm so glad that I make you feel comfortable at my home. Thank you! You are also a good encourager. I think of everyone I know, you were the one that was most excited with me to be on Money Saving Mom. Maybe one day you and I could go to a MSM event!! Maybe when we move back to the east coast. :)
Loved this post! I agree and will take funny over pretty any day :) B Blessed!
Thank you so much for reading and sharing my post! I love that it spurred your own wonderful one. I can totally tell mostly all of this, and I'm a fairly new reader! For the record, you are funny AND pretty.. (for what it's worth)
And I love the babies one.
Yeah yeah, thank goodness high school is over. I just want to slap people who say they wish they could go back. :) Thanks for making me laugh again. I think you're funny And pretty. Stupid high school boys. lol
I loved that post from Tamara! I think my wheelhouse is always changing. I kind of like the growth. I tis is scary at first, but adding in new skills and talents is fun for me.
I love your KLOUT expertise, I say TRUE! Mine has listed that I am a customer service expert. What? Have you ever heard me on hold and trying to bypass one of those dang computers? It's not pretty I tell you!
You really are funny. I lolled reading about the funny vs. pretty in high school!
hehe Thanks. High school is hard times.
I can think of another item in your wheelhouse that you didn't mention. You are a great hostess! ???? you have the gift of hospitality!
You didn't mention another item in your wheelhouse. You are a great hostess. You have the gift of hospitality. ????
Haha Thank you. I love you, Janet!