“‘Together’ is a really good word. Together is what we need when we hit tough patches in life. Making decisions when life is making you cry shouldn’t be done alone.” –Lysa Terkeurst, in The Best Yes
Today I went to my very first cardiology appointment ever. It was both helpful and confusing at the same time.
My cardiologist thinks all of my pain and heart issues are probably related. Structurally, my heart looks superb, but the beat and the blood pressure are too high. She thinks this may be autoimmune in nature.
And then she said two things I would rather have not heard. Don’t worry, it’s actually kind of funny:
Bread and walking. Two of my favorite things in life. Walking is one of the primary ways that I manage the throbbing pains. Can’t I just give up sugar instead?
I’m kidding. I’ll do it, but first I need time to figure things out. I mean, who knows. We still basically have no idea what is causing the pain or the heart issues.
I’m so tired of even thinking about all this health mess. Right now it sure would be fun to forget about it and go shopping for a beautiful new outfit instead. Maybe I’d even buy a copy of In Style magazine. Then I would have a Cinnabon, and I would eat the whole thing unashamedly and wash it down with a little jug of whole milk… These are my fantasies…
Oh, well. At least they still let me take Motrin. My friend Lisa and I were joking the other day about the things you wish you’d known earlier in life: Target and Advil. If ever there were two things we should have bought stock in, those two things are the cornerstones of life right there.
It’s not just me. I remember when I went to Ladies’ Retreat. I put my Costco size bottle of Advil on the counter, and I was constantly saying, “Yes, you can have some,” to all the other ladies. Haha!
Everything is going rather well though:
Hard times make such fertile ground for growth. Being hurt and confused was awful, but it was also like rain. We all run from the rain, but if we don’t have it, our soul starts to look like a desert.
So I think I will come out of this stronger than before. I mean, physically I’m weaker, but inwardly I’m feeling all gladiator-like. That’s right. I’m 10 feet tall and bullet proof, in the Lord. I’ve seen so many answered prayers. It’s almost tempting to take them for granted.
But instead, I will give thanks.
I have had so much help. I owe so many of you a great deal of gratitude, especially Alan. Alan has shouldered an enormous amount of responsibility during all of this. I can’t tell you how many ways he has covered down for me.
Alan and Joshua, spending time with our niece: They are both so good with babies.
I feel so thankful and full of hope today. If joy were a commodity that I could walk around and hand out to all of you I’d do it! To feel the way I feel, right this second, is a delightful thing. My joy is just spillin’ out all over the place.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work in us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen” Ephesians 3:20-22
I finally received a diagnosis! Click here to read it: Ventricular Tachycardia Health Update
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View Comments
I am so glad you are feeling better and hopefully getting some answers!! I know a couple of people that had to give up gluten and they are amazed at how much better they feel. It's crazy to think how aches and pains can be connected to things we would never think of.
My husband had to give up gluten last year, April. It was difficult for him (I've never really eaten it much, anyway, so it didn't matter to me), but his health improved so dramatically we were shocked. I wish you all the luck in the world.
Wow. Who knew it could make such a difference? Maybe I will also see results.
so true that Target and Advil are the cornerstone of life!!!! :)
glad you are feeling better in some ways... hope the suggestions from the doctor help out & don't suck too much! ;)
You wrote: "If joy were a commodity that I could walk around and hand out to all of you I’d do it!"
Comment: Thanks, April, I'll take you up on your joy handout! :)