10 Things to Try When You’re Feeling Achy
Have you ever felt old before your time or just achy all over the place? I keep wondering. Is this just getting older? Or is this a problem that can be fixed? And how do you know which is which?
Several of my readers liked the video with the stretching tips for hip pain, so today I’m including a stretching video for heel/foot pain and swelling. This is another nuisance that I deal with that I think is very common.
So I’ve learned a few things, for those of you on the age-speed-train with me.
#1. For the heart as well as the back: Walking. Just walk everyday. It’s good for every single thing about you, so as long as your body allows you to do so, walk.
#2. For the shoulder: I’m ordering this book:
They say that not taking time to do relaxing things can actually cause strained muscles and tendonitis, which my body has in multiple places. Stress could actually be killing us. Who knows? It’s worth a shot!
#3. Swollen heels are often caused by tight calf muscles, so my physical therapist gave me this exercise:
#4. CONSTANTLY monitor your posture. Sit and stand as straight as you possibly can.
#5. Do something relaxing. Today I am going shoe shopping and eating lunch BY MYSELF. Some of you may not find that relaxing, but for me it is perfect.
Or maybe I should have JD give me a head rub.
Here’s a perfect example of #5, doing something relaxing. JD calmed his cousin ever-so-easily with a little head rub:

Crying baby, meet John David.

calming baby

His work here is done.
#6. Buy bigger shoes. Never wear uncomfortable shoes or high heels.

my tired, achy, red-arround-the-edges feet…(Truth is, I’m a stay-at- home mom. I mostly don’t even wear shoes.)
Did I just post a photo of feet!!?? I’m seriously all girl, so this one is terribly sad for me. I mostly gave up high heels around 5 years ago, and that kept my feet problems at bay for a long time, but that alone is no longer cutting it. Today I’m buying bigger tennis shoes. It’s important for shoes to fit.
#7. Become a better friend.
I received my very first get well card in the mail last week, and I can’t tell you how much it meant to me. Several people have come up to me at church to tell me that they are praying for me and ask how I’m doing. Wow! How encouraging to know!
I’ve always said that I have the best friends.
From this, I am learning how to be a better friend. This goes back to that lesson about not over-scheduling yourself too because if we are so busy with all of our own obligations, how can we ever take time to encourage anyone else?
#8. Pray and read your Bible! Allow the Lord to go to the mat for you.
The other week, I was at yet another doctor appointment, for even more medical tests. There was some confusion about my appointment time, which threw off my whole schedule, and getting an appointment with this cardiologist is difficult. My results appointment was for Tuesday, so the tests needed to be done before that, or there would be no results to share.
The receptionist said, “There’s no way we can get you in before Tuesday. Well, we could have it done at the hospital, but then that might be hard with billing….”
I was so finished caring, or maybe I cared too much. Either way, I leveled with her, staying as calm as I could, though I’m sure I had tears in my voice. “I have been through so much this year, I do not care. I don’t care what you do or when you do it, or how. You just tell me where to be, and I’ll be there. I’m going to go sit down in the waiting room.” (I still had another test to do.)
I know, I wasn’t easy going. I was not breezy. I’m afraid I’m becoming Maxine, way before my time.
OKay. So you’re wondering what this story has to do with prayer. Hang with me.
I sat back down in the waiting room, and I prayed, “Lord, I’m so done dealing with this! I don’t even want to go to any more of these stupid appointments, but Lord, if you could just help me. You fix it. I can’t. I give up.”
It didn’t take long for the desk girl to reappear. “April?”
I slowly walked back to the desk.
“You can come tomorrow. Anytime you want.”
Prayer, people. I’m telling you. Prayer.
“Can I come at 4:00?”
“Great! Thanks!”
#9. Hang out with people who make you laugh.

My people are funny. (Don’t worry. He’s doing the crossed-eyes on purpose.)
Laughter is healing.
#10. Get more sleep.
…because that’s my answer to everything..
I wear shoes constantly at home (my “inside shoes” of course). I would be in a LOT of pain without them. My back can’t take not having some cushioning on my feet. I wear crocs I can slide in and out of. They are not cute 🙂 Seriously, though – I can tell such a difference when I don’t have them on. I am in pain within minutes. Ha, ha, Maxine. Everyone over 30 needs good photo editing software. Also, can I rent JD out for the rest of the winter? We could all use a good head rubbing or two over here on a daily basis.
Hi April! if you are looking for really supportive shoes, try looking up vionic. I have several pair of flip flops for summer or general house wear. They even make slippers. I have also got a pair of allegria shoes. I wear them for subbing since I stand all day. They are expensive, but you might find some you like on Zappos.com which has free returns. : ) Susie
PS. Wish you were headed back to VA!
Thank you so much! I will definitely look those up!! I need supportive shoes!! I hope they have some cute ones.
I like #8, but I really stink at #10 and #4. Last night I slept with Anneliese on my head and cannot move my neck this morning 🙂
Good suggestions, April. As for shoes, you need more support for your feet than just flat ballet shoe styles too. Extra cushion padding really helps. And some of us have evenbeentold not to go barefooted as an adult, that our foot pads, heels, and arches need support. That will also help the Achilles tendon. It was really cute Christmas when JD was soothing Ebie. 😊