Why Cope When You Can Conquer?
I’ve been reading this book. It looks like this:
Why Cope When You Can Conquer?
It’s an encouraging book. It asks an annoyingly high volume of questions. I never did enjoy answering questions. See, it’s a Bible study guide, but it’s not one of these where you have to watch a video or attend a class to go with it. You can totally just read the guide on your own. (But I did warn you about the questions.)
Don’t worry. The book is still worth it. You can’t read it without learning and growing in your faith. There’s this one particular story that struck a chord with me this week. It’s in Lesson 6: Where to Run in Trouble.
The author, Juanita Purcell, asked this: “When did the Israelites discover they had been delivered from Sennacherib’s invasion?” Read 2Kings 19:35
It was the morning.
Purcell said this, and she’s referring to a time when Senacherrib of Assyria was attacking Jerusalem in the 700sBC, “As the enemies gathered against the city of God, the nations were in an uproar. Yet the Angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night. This miraculous event was no big deal to God. He doesn’t even tell us how it happened. Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (source 1, page 62)
So I had to dig into my Bible, into 2 Kings chapters 19 and 20 to remind myself what exactly was going on here.
Big surprise. Hezekiah was king. He’s my favorite king of Judah. This was the kingdom of Judah, not Israel. Israel did indeed fall to Assyria, but Judah (the southern kingdom) didn’t really. (They fell to Babylon later on, after Hezekiah.) This was because of leadership. They had Hezekiah, and Hezekiah had God.
This is what Hezekiah did when he found out that Assyria was coming for him. He prayed:
“Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers and read it….” (2 Kings 19:14)
Yep. He got a threat letter.
“Then he went up to the temple of the Lord and spread it out before the Lord. And Hezekiah prayed to the Lord.” 2 Kings 19:14-15
It goes on to describe his prayer. But I mean, basically, “God, save us from these horrible people!!” I just love how the Bible tells us that Hezekiah spread the letter out before the Lord. He was a man who took his prayers seriously, so God took Hezekiah’s prayers seriously. King Hezekiah had great faith.
My take away here: “Trust in the Lord. He will solve your problems in your sleep.”
Oh, and you might be wondering how the angel of the Lord killed 185,000 soldiers while the armies were sleeping. Historians speculate that it was a plague of mice, an outbreak of the Bubonic plague. *oooo eebidy jeebidies*
I don’t know what problems you might be facing today, but God will lead you to the answers that you NEED, if you ask him to. Have faith and trust in the Lord, and he will not let you down. He is trustworthy. I tried so many things this past year to figure out my health problems, and eventually I was actually able to overcome my chronic joint pain by simply dropping gluten from my diet. That was not a conclusion I ever suspected, but God answered my prayers through the advice of my doctors and my friends. Praise God!

Carmel Valley, photo by Janet
So have no fear. Trust in the Lord. He will solve your problems in your sleep.
1. Why Cope When You Can Conquer? by Juanita Purcell, published by RBP Women’s Studies, 1999
2. 2 Kings 19 and 20, The NIV Study Bible, Zondervan
“Trust in the Lord. He will solve your problems in your sleep.” Oh I like that. I don’t know that it has ever quite happened exactly that way, but when I do trust things get a whole lot better!