20 More Breathtaking Photos of Carmel Valley and Monterey, California
Right now Daniel is washing his hands after his hour-long worm hunt. All he found was a slug, which he tried to bring into my house. Joshua put a hard stop to that. What would I do without Joshua?
JD is upstairs NOT napping. Caleb and Joshua are outside playing with a friend. I’m chugging coffee in a last ditch effort to hold on to wakefulness. A friend of mine is out walking, trying to coax her labor pains into a pattern. Alan is at school, chipping away at his thesis work.
Ah, the great circle of life.
Today I feel tired, sleepy, and wiped out. (I volunteered at Dan’s preschool from 9 to 12 this morning.) I have carved out a lull in the day, and I am hoping it will hold, but my wildest dream right now is of my pillow.
Why am I so tired? We had company for a week, and we went sight-seeing with them. The boys had their end-of-year-school program, and Joshua said all of his lines from memory! Woo-hoo! We now have some more friends staying with us, and they are expecting a baby this weekend, so this is exciting.
Yesterday my friend Chanda came into town, knocked on my door around 1PM, and said, “Let’s go to lunch. Come on. Right now. Bring the boys.”
(You HAVE to watch this video from that luncheon. So funny: JD Falling asleep at dinner)
So I did. It went surprisingly perfectly, and now I have a new favorite restaurant.
On the health front, my fevers are creeping back into my life, but my heart has calmed down completely.
I think I could go upstairs and sack out for the next 12 hours. Sometimes there just isn’t enough coffee.
So, yeah, life is crazy, but hey! Good news. JANET took pictures.
She has a better eye, more photography skill and patience, and a better camera. It’ll take me weeks to share them all, so let’s get started!

JD sweetly watched Daniel zip this remote control under-water robot (much like a Polaris) around the pool. Then he also got to take a little turn.

Daniel was a master of this game. The object was to get the robot to pick up the diving rings, and he was good at it. The creator was all impressed with the Dan Man.

A grand ballroom…..with 3 little boys running wild in it. Who are those boys? No idea, dear. Don’t look at me.

a tiny rodent skull, found on the ground from an owl pellet
…And Caleb just walked in with two bloody knees, from playing baseball in shorts, so I should go clean him up. We wish you all a restful weekend, no coffee required.
I read this early this morning and it thoroughly entertained me!
Thanks to Joshua, because I can’t handle slugs!
And watching my kids eat their occasional vegetables makes me so happy.
I love hearing that someone was entertained by my blog. Mission accomplished! Thank you! 🙂