“I want to hug Olaf! I want to hug Olaf!”….”No. No. I not hug him. I scared o him.”
We’ve been back from vacation for a few days now. Daniel keeps asking when we’re “ever going back to America.” By America, he is referring to our home in California. It was amusing to listen to Caleb trying to explain to Daniel that we are still in America.
In the short time that we’ve been back from Disney World, 7 of us caught a cold. 6 of us developed a hacking cough. (I have escaped it so far.) 2 of us have projectile vomited. Maybe that’s why Dan is ready to head back to “America”!
I think this was the first time in our 10 years of being parents that we were awakened to the sound and FEEL of projectile vomit at 5:50 am. I’ve never jumped out of bed with so much quickness!! We got him changed, us changed, stripped the bed, cleaned up, and all gathered in the living room to watch Planes, JD’s current favorite movie.
I sat there with my coffee, so thankful for our automatic coffee maker, trying to force myself to wake up.
I was so happy to see Caleb walk into the living room at 6:10. I snuck off to his bedroom and went back to sleep in his bed. (Mine was still wet.)
Daniel does have some happier summer vacation news. He has an exciting new accomplishment to add to his name: underwater swimmer! He can now go under and swim without even pinching his little nose. He mostly taught himself. That’s how Daniel rolls.
We’ve sent summer out with a bang. Here are the photos from Day Three of vacation, which we spent at Hollywood Studios.
It’s taken me so long to blog about our Disney trip, you may think we spent three weeks there. But no, I’m just slow. We were there for four days.
The almost disaster
This ABC cafe was a huge hit with our boys because they have tv’s everywhere. We couldn’t get a word out of the boys or a question answered the whole time. They were total tv zombies, watching ….a cooking show. Lol!
Ordering food for six people at Disney is confusing. No, ordering food for six people anywhere is hard to keep straight. You know that feeling when you go to the drive-thru window with 6 people in the car? And they all order something different? That is our life, ya’ll!! Every meal of vacation!!
I thought nothing of picking up these adorable chocolate cupcakes for the boys. I kind of wanted one myself.
So a miracle happened. No, I’m telling you, our almost disaster was a miracle.
Now, normally Joshua eats all of his food and then starts eating everyone else’s. But this time he did NOT. Weird. Feeding Joshua is like feeding a teenager. He’s only 10, but it is. My mom, who fed three teenagers at once, has already confirmed this.
I figured he would surely tear into that cupcake, but he looked at it, a CHOCOLATE cupcake, with CHOCOLATE icing, that looks like Darth Vader even, and said, “No, I don’t want it.”
That was a stop the music moment right there. I was all, “What? But it’s so..look at it. You don’t want it?”
Alan said, “He must be full. Can I have it, Joshua?”
Joshua agreed to let Alan have the cupcake, and Alan took one bite and discovered……peanut butter filling. Pure peanut butter!
Oh my goodness. If that had happened to Joshua, we would have had to use the EpiPen, which we did have, and then Day 3 would have abruptly ended with a ride to the local ER in a nice Disney World ambulance.
Nut allergies are an easy thing to drop your guard about because for the most part, it’s pretty easy to just not eat nuts. We were way more vigilant after this cupcake incident.
It was about 95 degrees in the Indiana Jones show.
JD made it halfway through the show, but when cars started blowing up and catching fire, JD insisted that we leave. So he and I exited early.
We left the park around 3pm, sweaty and tired.
Even bus rides are fun and exciting to children. I wish I could get that level of enthusiasm back for myself.
The T-Rex
That evening, we ate supper at Disney Springs, at the most themed out restaurant I’ve ever seen. Hard Rock Cafe has nothing on this place.
T-Rex entry and gift shop
Magma, Sea Creatures, an Ice Age in the back, roaring dinosaurs, a giant octopus. This place delivered the atmosphere, and the food was delicious too.
JD had only managed a 10 minute nap that day, so by our 6:30 dinner, he was ready to collapse.
So he nodded right off to sleep, right on Joshua’s shoulder.
He slept until we were all the way back AT our hotel. And then he woke up hungry and with more energy than the rest of us.
Enjoy the rest of summer while you can. It’s almost over! Don’t forget to keep in touch. I’d love to hear about what you’re doing with the rest of your summer.
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View Comments
Such an adventurous family! I enjoyed reading this story of your lucky boys.
Holy cow that is a miracle! I am so glad he didn't want it. His Spidey senses must have been tingling!
Glad ya'll had fun! I am still jealous, oh and ordering for 6 is a pain in the booty!!
This turned out to be a way more happy summer than I thought it would be. And yes, God says his angels protect his children. Joshua's angel was effective!
We did our Disney trip over the winter and it was so hard ordering meals for four of us! I don't know how you did it!!!!
Yes! You get it! Thank you!