10 Blogging Tips for Beginners (What I wish I had known when I started blogging!)
I am now officially a contributor to montereypremier.com‘s blog, Engaging Work life! This was an exciting opportunity for me, and I hope you’ll give it a read.
Here’s a snippet:
#1. You HAVE to self-promote.
I didn’t want to do it either, but how can anyone ever read your blog if they don’t know that you posted something new? I see it all the time with friends that start blogs. They spend all that time writing, but then they keep it a secret.
Think of it as an invitation. You wouldn’t throw a party and then not invite anyone to it.
Congratulations, April. Now off I go to read the rest.
Blessings ~ Wendy
“When [April] isn’t blogging, she’s usually doing exotic things like sweeping floors, cooking dinner, and congratulating her 3-year-old for using the potty.”
Very funny! ; )
Oh thanks, the truth is often humorous. 🙂
I read your tips, and I think you are spot-on. One thing I would add, is consistency. I tend to post every few days for a stretch of time, and then life gets busy, and I abandon the blog for months at a time. Not a good idea for building readership!
Thank you! I definitely agree with that one. I’ll have to remember that for my next 10 tips.