An Unexpected Blessing and Friend
Something special happened to me this week.
We have been on such an emotional roller coaster this year, and we’ve had new obstacles to manage the past couple of weeks. When one member of a family meets a set-back, the whole family meets it too because we are each other’s support. I cannot write about it because it wasn’t mine to write about, but I felt it almost as much as he did. Don’t worry. Everyone is safe and sound, but not all of life’s battles are physical.
Meanwhile, there is so much going on in our hearts, both exciting and hard, as we settle into our new community here, but we are so thankful that we are never alone.

Woody has been a friend of ours for a long time.

Batteries, schmatteries. Woody swims.

Before this he was buried in the sand, so he deserved this swim.
Even if we didn’t have each other, which thankfully we do, we are never alone. Even if it were just me here with no family at all, I would not be truly alone. No one HAS to be.
When you believe in God the Father and Creator, and Jesus His Son, there is no reason to ever be alone. He promises he is always with us. He has given us a Comforter, the Holy Spirit.
16And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever — 17the Spirit of truth. John 14:16-17
When I move, I usually pray that we will all make friends. We are not alone, but there is something extra special about having flesh and blood friends who comfort and cheer us, and in turn we do the same for them.
I love how friends often come in unexpected ways, like Fran.
Now I’m not referring to Alan’s Aunt Fran. We love her too, but this is another, much older Fran that we just met.
Wednesday night we met her at church, and she said to Alan, “I’d like to have your names and your phone number. As I was sitting here, and I saw y’all, such a lovely new family, and we’re glad to have you, I thought, ‘I’d like to help them.’ We did that for a family with little boys in the past, but then I realized, ‘Wait, now I’m 85 years old, I can’t help them quite the same as I could back then, but I can pray for them.”
Ah. She is doing exactly what she can do in the place that she is. What a sweet, sweet blessing. I’ve never felt so special.
We gave her our number. We didn’t really expect that she’d call us.
This morning I went to MOPS. (Moms of Preschoolers) I’ve never been to one before, but I like to be social, and I’m not so burdened down here as I was in California, so I was finally able to go.
John David and I were on our way home from MOPS, about to turn into my driveway, when my cell phone rang, and it was Fran. She said again how she is praying for us, and she asked for the boys’ names and ages and asked how she can pray for each of our little boys.
I was happy to give her all of that information, and one of our boys has had an especially rough start here. He hasn’t been in any trouble, but he has faced difficult things, and on top of that he has medical tests ahead of him with a cardiologist, and I told Fran a little bit about all of that.
I asked about her too, and this sweet lady has lived all over the world. Her story is very interesting.
I got off the phone with tears in my eyes. It seems like tears are always in my eyes lately. Again, there have been no great, horrible things that have happened, it’s just that it’s an overwhelming year of many changes. Sometimes the tears just sort of brim over and leak out.
But today I feel blessed. We are loved. God is with us. We can meet whatever we must meet. We are all never truly alone.
Have you ever met a friend like Fran? Or have you ever thought of being a friend to a younger family or person, as she is for us? I’d love to hear about it.
“What a beautiful reminder of the power of friendship and the comforting presence of God. Fran’s simple act of kindness, offering prayers and support, is truly heartwarming. Your words resonate deeply, showing the beauty in unexpected connections and the strength found in community. Wishing you continued blessings and strength on your journey.”
Thanks so much for sharing; I really like this post. I haven’t had anyone exactly like your Fran, so keep us up to date about her.
Fran sounds like an amazing person and everyone needs a friend like that. I think her prayers get heard for sure 🙂
Hugs to you and your family as you transition into your new home and life!