What do I wear to the wedding?
I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. Oh, and Alan won’t be here to help me get the boys ready. He had a prior commitment, so I gotta figure out what we are all going to wear by tomorrow.
Plus, I’m paying for THREE private school tuitions, so do not even say the words “shop” to me. There will be no shopping.
Here are my options. The wedding is outdoors. I am told the groomsmen will not be wearing ties, and it all takes place at 4pm.

my personal fave. But I do realize it looks pretty casual.

Don’t you think it’s too much black?

I like it, but Alan says it looks like a Halloween dress (because it’s black and orange). Sigh.
That’s it, y’all. That’s all I have!
By the way, can I just say how excited I am for this bride??? I won’t spoil her privacy by posting her name or photo. (But if she gives me permission, I’ll show you pictures on Sunday!!)
So, okay, 2 things, no, really 4:
- Please tell me which dress you think I should wear in the comments, or Facebook comment.
- Do know that I’m probably going to disregard what everyone says and where what I want anyway….Why? Why do I even ask then??
- In answer to #2, I don’t know. It’s a sickness.
- Pray for me to stay sane and not lose it with any sweet little men this weekend because there’s going to be a lot of forcing them to wear nice clothes and sit still, and well, we’ve discussed that before!!! There are four of them. Take what two little boys are like, times it by two, and that’s what we’re talking about here…..at a wedding!!! (But don’t get me wrong. My children are of course perfect angels from Heaven and would never so much as sneeze as this wedding, I’m sure. Especially the three-year-old, I am absolutely sure he won’t start crying because he bumped his finger and not stop until the whole wedding is over…) Oh, what am I even worrying about? I’ll spend the whole event half a mile away from it to keep everyone from being “distracting” anyway.
But I should look good while hiding, so tell me which one to wear. Thanks!!!
The black and orange one, but I’d really need to see you IN the dresses before making an informed choice. 😀 (**waits patiently)
And therein laid the problem…. I woke up swollen, and none of them fit. Lol
I like #2 the best and actually have a similar dress, too thatI wore to a wedding last year. Hope though whichever you chose that you have a fun time 🙂
Would you believe I woke up swollen and nothing fit? I chose a crumpled up dress from the corner of my closet that had a lot of stretch. OY oy oy!
They are all good, but if 1 is more comfortable, that is IT……with black. You will look great in anything. We are all very excited Let’s all be careful!
Love you, Bibby
Thank you for helping me decide, but then I ended up with swelling and weight gain and having to wear something different. But that’s okay. We were thankful to be there with you all!
They’re all so pretty! I have a funeral to get ready for today and was so thankful that my boys don’t know the person and I don’t have to wrestle them into any “nice” clothes and bring them with me. But there’s still the scramble of what I should wear. I check with my husband and all the boys…. and then usually wear something totally different anyway! So I get where you are coming from. If I was getting dressed for the wedding today I’d wear dress number 2 (though in New England with temps in the 50’s I’d be freezing!)…. but I am a black kind of girl. I once heard black is slimming and now that comprises most of my wardrobe.
Sorry to hear about the funeral! Excellent reason for choosing black. No one understands mothering several boys like a fellow boy mom. Love it.
#3) It is not black & orange. It’s black, white, and orange. Nor are there any Jack-O=Lanterns, black cats, or witches riding brooms on it. “Thar aint nuthin Hallo-weeny bout it”. It’s my favorite, but what do I know? I am only a man.
#1) I do agree it would look better with a black sweater than the pastel blue one. Just sayin.
#2) Black is always a classy choice. Add some fancy jewelry and you are good to go.
Thank you for chiming in, DaddyO! I hope I didn’t shock you all too much by showing up in choice D, not pictured. ha!
I like #1 the best for a wedding!
It’s my fave too. 🙂
I love the black dress. You can never go wrong with black. You can dress it down with flats, dress it up with heels. We’re fun jewelry. Plus it is an evening wedding. And most importantly black is always flattering. I think it’s a really cute dress.
See, I was totally planning to wear #1, but then I read this and I thought, “Oh but I should listen to Marissa. She’s a good dresser!”
#1 – you already made up your mind:-) Black sweater, fancy jewelry. You will look fabulous and be comfortable as well!
I thought I had made up my mind. Oy! I like your suggestion with the black sweater. Now I just gotta find my black sweater…..and don’t even get me started on shoes. I need to get out more so that weddings don’t give me this panic mode…
I think I like #1 better with either that sweater or a black shrug. Wedding party will be wearing ties after all and military dress uniforms. It may even be cooler temperatures so the sweater/shrug might be good. Looking forward to meeting all of the new family. Can you believe they will have SEVEN kids between them!
I”m just a little nervous about finding the wedding. I misplaced my invitation. Can you text me the address so I can plug it into my GPS?
So fun! I do the same thing…i ask not for a true vote, but in hopes that others will reaffirm my already made choice 🙂 So, with that in mind…i don’t think you can go wrong with any of these choices.
Dress 1 is cute. You could dress it up more with a black cardigan and or fancy shoes and jewelry.
Dress 2 you could dress down with sone multicolored bright jewelry or bright shoes?
Dress 3 could go as is with no fear of anyone saying “trick or treat” to you. I would wear that one, provided it’s comfortable. I am all about comfort with the chasing littles phase.
Good luck-i know you’ll look great in any of the three!
Black sweater with number 1—GENIUS. I never even thought of that. It is the most comfortable dress. Thank you for helping!!!