Exciting News for Us: Epilepsy Update

Caleb, with his dad and DaddyO. Caleb’s new neurologist actually looks so much like DaddyO, Caleb and I laughed that they are probably related.
I only have 10 minutes to type out this update, so I’ll cut straight to the chase.
After years of having to give Caleb seizure medication, he many finally get to come off of it. Caleb is so excited that he is actually willing to endure another EEG. He is no fan of EEGs. Let me tell you. He is permanently weary of all things doctor related due to all of the medical tests he’s had to do for the seizures. ugh!
But next Saturday Caleb will have this EEG, and so long as it comes back normal, Caleb will be declared well!!!!! He will no longer be on Keppra.
He still has a 30% chance of having another seizure, which is far higher than the average Joe, so we still have to keep an eye out, but since he’s been three years without having one, the benefits no longer out-weigh the side effects.
It’s an exciting time for us and especially for Caleb. He hates taking Keppra. I’ll keep you updated. October 15th is the big day!
It is wonderful to read this April. Thank you for the update. 🙂
That’s great news! Crossed fingers for seizure-free living.
Also that picture of Caleb as a four-year-old looks so much like his brothers!!
Ha! Yes, they are all like little clones.
Great news for Caleb! I may be slightly prejudice but I think Alan looks a lot like Prince William! 🙂
Oh yeah, he totally does.
Awesome news April!!!!!I look forward to that day!!! Our new neurologist actually supports Magnesium supplementation that in the one study done it was just as good as medication!!! Plus, we are all a little deficient of the mineral. I bet it would cut that 30% down to almost nothing. Kids calm from whole foods has 200mg in it, we get it from Vitacost.com for 21 dollars and it gives them all their vitamins for the day plus 30 something organic fruits and veggies and it is an orange flavor that you make I into a drink. Someday I hope Abi is healed and no longer needs medication. Congrats!!!
Thank you so much. I hope this day will come before long for Abi too! I am going to look up those supplements you mentioned. That sounds awesome.
Wishing you all the best! We never got a clean EEG reading bur our son had an MRI and they felt that they had figured out why the EEG’s looked the way they did. He only had febrile seizures so we only had to give him meds when he was sick but it was still such a relief to hear that he was able to go off them all. He’s now been about 5 or 6 years free and just fine. Hope you can say the same thing in a few years.
Oh, that’s encouraging. 5 or 6 years. yay!!!!! I didn’t realize you had dealt with this too. Motherhood is not for the faint of heart, eh?
That is great news! I am so happy to hear this 🙂
Thank you! We are too!