How to Make Fire with a Magnifying Glass

Look closely. You can see the giant burn hole in the leaf.
Last weekend we were enjoying a leisurely weekend of letting the kids play in the backyard while we visited with family. Caleb, who loves all things science-related, asked Alan if he could show him how to use the sun’s light and a magnifying glass to make fire.
Deep down, I guess we are all like cave-men because every one of us was full of joy to watch this happen.
I had never actually seen this done before. The sun was shining, so conditions were perfect. Alan hunted down a magnifying glass and grabbed a dry leaf from the yard.
Now this is where it gets complicated:
Oh wait,no, it doesn’t. Literally, all we did was let the sun shine through the magnifying glass onto the leaf, and smoke appeared rather quickly.

In this photo, the one side of the leaf is mostly burned away, and they’d started on the second half.


Everyone had to take a turn burning the leaf.
Well, folks, that’s all there is to it. This may be my shortest blog post of all time, eh?
You don’t have to be a home school family to do fun science projects at home. These are the kinds of activities your kids won’t soon forget.
Want to know the science behind all this? I googled it for ya. I must confess that I did not find the science behind it interesting at all, but this site did the best job of holding my attention: Just click on that link there.
Okay, I guess I should go back to being an involved parent or tidying up or something. Hope you are all having a great week!
Sound like lots of fun; my boys would love that!
Oh, yes, they sure would.