A Letter of Hope from 2003

Alan and me the night he left for Iraq, 2003
This week is Veteran’s Day, and as the wife of a veteran it’s a holiday full of meaning for me.
In honor of Veteran’s Day, I thought I’d share this letter that I wrote to Alan on New Year’s Eve, 2003. Alan was in Iraq, and I was living in Texas. What started out as this nightmarish, depressing event (sending my husband to war–I was all of 22 years old) had gradually turned into a year of growth and new friendships.
Did you know that we military wives have our own “battle buddies”?
We do, and they were a life-saver that year. That was the year I learned that I do not enjoy teaching. I experienced the first major failure of my life when I quit that job before the year was over because it was so hard and miserable I couldn’t handle it.
I found many things I didn’t want to be. I thought I would never figure out what I DO want to be, so I headed back to graduate school, but the answers weren’t there either.
But I was never fully defeated because the Lord sustained me.
He sustained me with mentors and friendships and love, and when 2003 closed, I was still full of hope. This is what I wrote to Alan:
9 months down!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!
Wed., Dec. 31, 2003
Day 275
Wow! This is the final day of 2003. But like I read in one of your letters, it was indeed a rotten year. Good riddance, 2003! Don’t let the door hit you on your way out. One thing’s for sure. It’s a year we won’t soon forget.
But I’m so glad it’s over. For me, 2004 brings so much hope! Much like 2002! I remember New Year’s 2002 so well, and so fondly. I KNEW big things were in store for me that year. I knew you were becoming an important part of my life. And I had a feeling my life would be forever changed. I had a feeling you were “the one.” I remember sitting on my porch, holding my little Sylvester and crying. They weren’t tears of sadness or even tears of extreme joy. I guess it was just a moment in which I was preparing myself for the future. And I was letting go of the little girl inside of me, the innocent girl about to be rescued by her prince, about to grow up.
I didn’t know I would be getting married that year, or moving far away, or even that I’d be graduating.
I knew nothing of what was in store. Yet I can CLEARLY remember that the Lord was preparing my heart.
He was preparing my heart for you. And all the wonderful things you brought into my life. No one changed my life more than you. But it was a wonderful change.
On the flip side, 2003 was not so wonderful. It was equally eventful. Only the events of 2003 often brought grief and hard lessons to be learned. I know we have grown this year though. We do grow from trials.
But 2004 means something much different to me than either 2002 or 2003. To me, it is a year of hope, love, and laughter. That’s because when I think about 2004, all I see is you coming home to me, and spending a year together with you. Wow! How amazing it will be! Me and you together at last!
So from January to March. Those 3 months are the joy of anticipation. And then You. You here in my life again. I can’t wait!
I don’t have a New Year’s resolution. But I have a New Year’s hope. It’s like the final hump in this long deployment. The halfway mark was hump 1. And the end of 2003 was hump 2 to me. 3/4 of this journey is over!

3 months later, I hung this sign at our very first home together. I lived by the airfield, so I got to see Alan’s ginormous cargo plane fly right over my house as it landed. I’ll never forget the elation of that day.
It was a 4 page letter, and that was the first 3 pages, and I actually did write “Yes!” that BIG at the bottom of page 3. I meant it that large. In fact, it’s actually a little bit larger. I wonder whatever happened to the fourth page.
Happy Veteran’s Day, y’all!! I’m so thankful for my veteran.
awww!! That’s astonishingly romantic and hopeful.
Thank you both for your service!
Thank you so much for hanging in there for your husband while he was deployed. I know that’s stressful for so many military families, and your positive attitude is wonderful to see. Happy Veteran’s Day and thank you both for your service and support to our country!
Oh this is lovely. Thanks to you and your husband both for your service. I have never had to experience something like this, but I am so grateful for those that do.