The Weight of the Choices that We Make

Caleb drew it. We all colored it. This is a tradition that we enjoy.
Wow! What an election year, eh? Alan got to be in Washington, D.C. for election night, but it was not just me and the boys here. Nana came over too! We had an “election party”, which is basically where we feed the boys Oreos and let them fill out the electoral map with red and blue markers as the results come in. Of course, most of it had to wait until the morning.
I always stay up as late as I possibly can to watch the results. I only made it until midnight this year. Parenting takes it out of you. Doesn’t it?
The whole election thing got me thinking about choices.
Choices, choices, choices.
They are constant aren’t they? So many decisions all the time. Some of them harder than others. We’ve all made our presidential choice. Check. Phew! Done. But there are so many choices left to make.
Today I had several messages on my phone to answer. I had house cleaning that I’ve been neglecting (as usual, because bleh–house cleaning). I had this absurd need to watch news anchors discuss the election with the experts. Then there was John David, wanting to be taken outside. I had a blog that needed updating. And I have growing boys that need me. Every minute that I spend doing or not doing anything is a choice that I make that says something about my priorities.
I try to always start my day out with God’s Word and prayer because when you put first things first, everything else should fall into place.
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
I loved this quote from Beth Moore:
“You may have many different things that you want to do, but they may not have anything to do with what you want your life to be about.”
I wrote it down and stuck it to my wall. I need that reminder. Am I trying to do every little good thing and ending up stressed? We can’t do ALL the things. We have to do some picking and choosing somewhere.
OR am I carefully choosing to focus on what it is I want my life to be about?
Just a little food for thought on this sleep-deprived-post-election day. What is your mission in life? That is the most important question here.
I want mine to be about serving the Lord. I want to walk in peace with Him, serving him by serving others through the ministries that He has given me. I want my boys to feel cherished and to know what is important. I want my husband to have a wife that builds him up and is a trustworthy companion. I want my blog to be a gospel-sharing ministry that brings joy. I want to live a life that is in line with God’s plan for me.
How about you? What do you want your life to be about? What things do you say ‘no’ to in order to focus on your mission?
P.S. Congratulations are in order to Angela, of Missouri, for winning the bamboo cutting board!!!! Hurray!! Want your own? Go here to order one.
Happy Veteran’s Day! Hope you all get a day off!
I stayed up late, watched the election and must admit I’m so happy it’s over. Our local newspaper gave tips on how to cope with such a stressful election, and it seems like many people are staying in that election head space. Well, not me. 🙂 I’m moving forward, crossing things off my list, and getting ready for the holiday season. I want my life to be about empowering people and spreading love everywhere I go. 🙂
Oh, yes! I love the way you think. Me too. Sign me up for that.
I totally did the same thing with the map coloring back when I was a kid! Also, I have to applaud you for making it until midnight. We have a 1-year-old son, and I think I made it until about 10pm before I was too wiped to keep my eyes open anymore. (Then I awoke to a text message from my sister at 3:30am with the results.) Great post, April!
Thanks! Now that’s a good sister. I must have checked right before they announced it at 2:30am and learned nothing. Oh, and clearly your parents were geniuses. 🙂
Excellent article you wrote for the Monterey Premier. Everyone should read it. ~Daddy-O
Thanks, DaddyO! 🙂
Oh so true; there are so many decisions and choices to make each and every day. Maybe that’s why I never want to decide where we go to dinner when we finally get a night out!
Yes!!! I never want to be the one to decide either…well…unless I have a craving, and then it’s extremely important o me. 🙂
“You may have many different things that you want to do, but they may not have anything to do with what you want your life to be about.” I need to stick this on my wall too!
Last night was a real deal of something. Democracy in action is quite the thing. Everyone was up late last night in our home. Poor teachers at school today….
Isn’t it an awesome quote! I can’t stop thinking about it. Quite an election year! I woke up at 2:30 and checked my phone, must have been right before they called it, so I didn’t find out for sure until the morning.