I am a sucker for a rescue.

Daniel 3:29
Do you love a good rescue story? Man, I am a sucker for a rescue.
Lately, I’ve been feeling down. I’ve been letting circumstances get to me. I’m still pouting over losing my people in this move. I still have my family, my most important people. But I lost my support groups. I lost my friends. Friends are a tricky thing to replace. The thing is you can’t replace them because no two people are the same. It’s not possible. So you have to keep your old friends, but you have to find new friends too. I’ve met some ladies I like here, and I’ve already leaned on a few of them. We’re getting there. It’s promising. These things just take time.
Alan was gone for a great part of November for work, and it was a hard month. It was getting to me big time.
But this morning these verses in Daniel spoke to me.
“No other god can save in this way.” –Daniel 3:29
And those lines were spoken by the King of Babylon, who had just erected a giant gold statue of himself and proclaimed that everyone must worship it or burn.
But he saw the results. He couldn’t deny them. He SAW Jesus rescue those three Jews out of that fire when they refused to worship his ridiculous gold statue.
And that’s when he stood amazed, and he proclaimed a decree that no one was to say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, “because no other god can save in this way.”
I’ve seen the results too. I might not have been there all those years ago for the fiery furnace rescue, but I have seen one rescue after another in my own time, and it lights a FIRE in my soul, let me tell you.
The Bible is not just any other book, y’all. And God is not just any statue. He’s not a statue at all. Why would you worship something so small you could DIY????
This year my parents had their own fire. In case you missed that, I talked about that here. It was a burn-it-to-the-ground kind of house fire. This thing was so impactful. I would never wish it on anyone.
But God’s raising up something beautiful from those ashes. He’s staging another rescue. My parents will move into their new house, probably next month, just in time for Christmas.
He’s making everything new and everything beautiful, and he’s blessing my parents with a new home. It smells like new paint, it is handicap accessible, and it has the prettiest master bathroom shower I have ever seen. I am so excited for them. And you know what I said at the beginning about the hardship of finding new friends? They won’t even have to worry about that because he’s building it right where their old house stood, on the same plot of land I grew up on.
They will still have their neighbors and their church family right down the street.
Don’t you love a rescue like that?
And I want to say a special thank you to the members of Victory Baptist Church and to their neighbors on their street. They blessed them in ways that I, far away in California, did not. They were there for my family when I wasn’t really. You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you!!!
Remember the kind of God we serve. Amen. Amen. Amen.
April, I replied to your comment earlier today though my fast typing and jumping cursor made your original comment disappear! This post today is rather fitting for the current state of our nation.. Thank you for participating and giving me a bit more hope today. B Blessed!
Thank you, Lilka! I’ve been down lately too, so I’m looking for the hopeful side of things. God is in control.
What a lovely story, I am so glad to hear that their horrible experience is almost over and good has come from it. After the ashes can be good 🙂 It’s the process that is so painful.
Amen to the process that is painful. That is the thing, isn’t it.
I’ve also been feeling a little down lately April. No matter what I do, I have a hard time snapping out of it. I’m sorry your lost your friends. It’s nearly impossible to replace a friendship. That’s a great Verse it helps us remember what a wonderful and powerful God we serve 🙂
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been in my feeling blue boat. not a fun boat. I hope you get some good Words from God today and have some better days.