What’s this Bible journaling craze all about?
I have been taking a blog coaching class, taught by Crystal Paine. I never realized exactly how much I don’t know about the blogging business.
One of the things Crystal has taught me is that it’s important to do videos sometimes. Apparently, videos should help my audience connect with me better. So I am making my very FIRST DIY selfie video. The video skills are horrible. It’s literally like my talking head showing you some Bible journaling pictures. But hang with me, we’ve all got to start somewhere, right?
Have you heard about Bible journaling?
I want to show you my own Bible journal: (Just watch the video below. If you read this in your email, you will need to go to my website to see it.)
Here are a few more photos. I did NOT draw these. I got these pictures from the speaker who came to our MOPS group:

I gotta say. These bold images DO help me remember the scriptures better. It gives a brilliant visual.

Fruits of the spirit! Love this one!!
So, in my next post I will share my very first attempt at drawing in my Bible. It is extremely amateur, and it wasn’t over the top fun for me because drawing is not my thing. But it wasn’t unpleasant either.
If you are interested in trying your hand at Bible journaling, I found a few excellent resources for you:
This blogger did a how-to post on Bible journaling that was good: How to Start Bible Journaling
And here are some cool supplies you can buy from Amazon. (Yes, these are affiliate links.)
This would be a great instructional book, if you have no skills (like me).
This is a devotional book that actually has built-in room for your masterpieces.
These are colorful pens like the pros use.
And if you just want to do good ol’ alphabetized dividers like MY journal, well, that’s a lot easier. You’ll just need a large binder, paper, and a few packs of dividers! My favorites are the write-on tabs. People with arthritis don’t do folding up tiny pieces of paper and sticking them in a tiny little sleeve.
I can see why Bible journaling is so popular right now. You can express yourself, learn scriptures, and create a visual in your mind that helps you learn your Bible better, all through your own art work. It’s definitely something worth trying out.
I dare ya to try it! I’ll show you my attempts in my next post. I’ve done 1 so far, but I want to try a couple more first because my first attempt was….not that good…Be sure to share pictures with us if you do try it!! I’m on Instagram now as well as Facebook!

Excellent verses
Congratulations on your first video April; I feel a lot more connected to you. I love how organized you are; I’m going to adopt your tab method. I’ve never heard of Bible Journaling, but it looks impressive. I’m an artist, but I think all the pressure of drawing in my bible would be way too much from to handle.
Look at that cute April! I have bible journaled for years. I am a highlighting, write notes in the margins kind of gal. It does help me to remember thoughts and feelings. Mine aren’t that pretty though, SoI can’t wait to see your tutorial after you do it!
Haha! Now I can’t promise a tutorial exactly. More like show and tell….b/c April has 0, as in 0, art skills. I do highlight and write in the margins too.And I totally think it helps us learn it!
April, I ordered 2 ESV Journaling Bibles by mistake. They look like the old Readers Digest Condensed books. I only need one. Would you like the other for Christmas?
Amy’s better with art. Ask her first and if she doesn’t want it, I’ll happily give it a try!
I have a friend in my women’s entrepreneur group that handcrafts beautiful journaling Bibles as well as has maintained her own journals of faith through childhood. Something beyond the journaling is to keep a daily written long of your struggles, prayers, and blessings you experienced each day. Then underline each with it’s own color, struggles in red, prayers in blue, and blessing in purple (for example). At the end of each week/month/year review them and you can see the story line of christ, and the timeline of how the struggles led to answered prayers and then the prayers led to blessings.
Love the entire idea of playing our own personality into our faith, because God created our beautiful and wonderful personalities!
Oh wow, that’s really neat. I used to be so good about keeping daily logs of just life in general and prayers sometimes, but once I began blogging, that sort of fell away. I’d love to get back to that. Maybe that can be a 2017 goal! The diversity of life, yes, you are right, is so beautiful. God didn’t make a clone army. I’m so glad. thank you for sharing! I feel inspired.