“Get help when you need it” is my new motto.
Y’all know it was a rough year for me, physically. Thankfully, everything turned out to be mostly okay. I just have a few chronic conditions to manage, but it’s all under control now, and I have a good outlook.
A brilliant thought came to me the other week, as I was putting on my rain boots, Alan’s rain jacket, and heading out to shut the trashcan lid and bring it in from the pouring rain.
“What am I doing??? Why am I trying to do so much???”
“People used to have lots of children, especially wanting BOYS, ON PURPOSE so that they could have lots of workers for their farm! Here I have all these workers, and yet I’m putting on rain boots to go out in THAT??”
I turned to Caleb, who was playing Monopoly with Daniel, “Caleb, why don’t you put on my rain boots and go bring the trash cans in for me? The lid is open, and remember, Dad wanted y’all to take care of that.”
Caleb grinned—I’m not making this up. I was so relieved!– “Okay, Mom! Let me finish this turn with Daniel. Then I’ll head right out there.”
And he did! I was so excited. I stood at the garage door and filmed him going out in that rain, closing up the can, and rolling them back to the house.
Hmmmm….I could get used to this!
I’ve been looking for more ways to harness their power lately. Did you know that both my 2 oldest are 11 and 9 respectively, and they can both beat me at arm wrestling? I challenged them recently after Caleb proclaimed himself the 3rd strongest person in our family.
What!? I may not be much, but I’m stronger than a 3rd grader!
“Well, Caleb, if you are #3, who is #1 and 2??”
“Dad is the strongest. Then Joshua. Then me. Then you…”
“Oh, really, well, I think we should arm wrestle because I am stronger than you think!”
Yeah….no, I’m not actually, as it turned out.
Joshua can even do pull-ups now. We have a pull-up bar, and he practices incessantly. We had to move it out of Alan’s closet just to get Joshua out of our room.
And guess what Alan did the other week? He couldn’t take my messy, disorganized closet anymore, so he cleaned it up for me:

working hard
And the After:

After. That stack of clothes in the floor are the ones that are only 1 size too small. I’m holding out hope. Roll your eyes, but I seem to go up and down a size every season. Plus my hip swells and un-swells with the pain, so this isn’t unrealistic.
And of course, what would I have done this fall without Nonna and Nana helping when Alan was out of town? I am so over “toughing it out.” Stress makes people sick. Get help when you need it is my new motto!

Nana and Daniel
I also never have to carry my own groceries in anymore. We’ve been training them for years. Now I don’t even have to say anything. I just get home and pop the trunk. Sadly, I’m on my own when I shop during school hours.

Even Dan does his part.
Thank you all for being a part of our village. I hope you will get help when you need it too! That’s what we are all here for, to help each other out.
28 “Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.”
Ephesians 4:28
10″ God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Hebrews 6:10
Merry Christmas! Have you signed up for our newsletter yet? It goes out every 2 weeks and has stories that are not on the blog. This week’s is an inspiring story about this Christmas tree:
Beautiful post, and wonderful scriptures to drive it home. You are so blessed to have the beautiful family you have!! I hope you guys have a very wonderful and BLESSED Christmas!! <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
Thank you, Gingi! Good to see you again too.
Amen! I am right there with you. This year has been rough for you. I am glad this is your new motto.
I have had some new health concerns pop up and they are all to blame on my own inability to ask for help and to just keep going when I should stop. I guess I have a new year’s resolution now?!
Happy Holidays my friend 🙂
Oh, I can’t wait to read your new year’s post. No pressure or anything, ha!
April, I love the reminder. I realize sometimes that I have bored children and much to be done at the house…then it dawns on me that there’s a way to fix both problems at once. 🙂 Merry Christmas
Ha! So true, and funny b/c I’m surrounded by bored children right now……
Stress is dangerous. So true. And how sweet they wanted to help. I’m SO guilty of doing too much and burning out.
Me too!!