This Christmas: 1st Year at Home, 1st Non Disaster Story

I guess you know which stocking is mine.
This might have been the easiest Christmas in 14 years of April and Alan family Christmases. We only had to travel two hours, and we woke up on Christmas morning IN OUR OWN HOUSE. Have you ever??? I mean, we had almost never!! Do you do this? Do other people do this every year?? It was so nice!
I mean have you read my other Christmas stories???
Our Nightmare Before Christmas
Well, I’m happy to tell you this is NOT one of those stories. We did go and see our families, but we were able to do all of that and still be at our own house on Christmas morning.
Around 7 or so a.m., we heard Boy #1 begin talking to Boy #2. They simply chatted calmly in bed. Some of the boys woke up the other boys. I don’t remember who got up first, but a miracle happened…..
No one came and jumped on us…..
They gathered themselves in the living room, just the four of them in the living room to patiently wait for their parents to get up.
Whaaa???? We were so pleased with all this that we didn’t make them wait. We went ahead and joined them.
I love watching my children open their presents. Christmas is a whole other level of special for children. When is it that we lose that? Let’s get that back.

Yes, he’s actually CLAPPING. He’s so excited. There were a few To: Caleb and Daniel presents this year. They may look ages apart, but it’s actually only a 3 year gap. Some kids are tall. Some kids are shorter.

Be sure to see the 50 second JD video on Facebook, and share in the excitement.
We all went to church together. It was nice, though nothing topped the Christmas Eve service.

Christmas Eve service
There was something about the meaning in lighting these candles and taking communion with so many fellow believers that made Christmas more real to me this year. We sang Silent Night, and I wanted this moment to never end.
Too quickly, we were all headed back to our houses when so often I just want to curl up at the altar and soak it all in…
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:10-12
…But it was back to Christmas as usual, and I can’t help but wonder. Are we entering a new phase of our lives? There simply isn’t a BABY anymore. JD is 3 1/2 now. No one is a baby. Life is c-a-l-m-i-n-g down. No one wore a diaper, no one carried a sippy cup, and no one got out of their seat. No one even colored on himself.
I think I might cry!
No one was sick this Christmas either. JD caught a cold, accompanied by a very pink eye, but even that ended in two days.
OH, and guess what! Once Christmas day was over, Alan took my minivan to the shop, and I now have a clean minivan, with a heater that heats, and a functioning defroster! Somebody get this man a trophy!!
I feel like we just had the perfect Christmas. I can safely say that because Christmas is fully over. Saying Christmas was perfect can’t possibly jinx it now.

Of course, I did find one baby to hold.
Ah, sparkling pretty lights. I may never take my Christmas tree down. Plus, I’m hoping Alan will do it for me. Hmmm…I wonder if Alan is hoping that I will do it. I seriously don’t even want it taken down. Let’s just leave it up until next Christmas!
Hallelujah! And may we never forget what it’s all about. This is an incredible excerpt from the Passion of the Christ. You do have to click the link to YouTube to watch, but it’s so worth it:
Wishing you all a blessed 2017! May your kids behave. May your rain be snow, and may all your prayers be answered.
13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:13-14
Wow!!! Looks like lots of gifts 🙂 kids look so happy and yes they are so disciplined so i guess its good parenting 🙂
Oh, thank you so much!
We have never done Christmas in our own house! Not as an adult with kids, anyway. One day? I just love it at my parent’s house.
Three cheers for no sicknesses!
Does that involve a long road trip? I think I’m just so beat from all the years of flying home. Or maybe I”m just being a wuss…
Happy New Year April! Your boys are filled with love and joy just like their parents! It looks like you had one amazing Christmas 🙂
Aw. Thank you so much.
Wow, no one got out of their seats! Amazing!! We aren’t there yet, Liese is trying to wear the baby title out to the bitter end. I am glad to hear that this Christmas was lovely for your family. Christmas morning at home is so wonderful!
haha! Well, really, JD is still a mess, but he was miraculously well behaved at the Christmas service. That’s not to say that he doesn’t still end up in my bed most nights.
You’re at #10 and climbing on the Top Mommy Blogs. Congratulations!
Thank you! Y’all are my bet voters!
We have always lived within 15-20 minutes of family (well, except for the few years my parents moved to the Carolinas) and used to find even just packing our kids up for travelling across town to be hard on Christmas. A few years ago I instituted a rule where we were no longer travelling on Christmas day. It has made our Christmases so much calmer. We still see our family before and after the holiday; my mother in law always come over on Christmas day but the days of trying to visit each family and going from house to house are over. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas.
Sounds like an awesome plan!! I totally get it.
Yay, I’m so happy you had such an enjoyable holiday this year!! We did it at home this year too. No family. Not intentional just a very large distance between us. 🙂 But it was enjoyable as well. Very easy.
Thank you! I’m glad to hear you did too. We usually have a 15 hour car ride or a plane trip. Exciting, but not always the right kind of exciting. Ha!
Great…your boys are very fortunate..keep up and Thanks for great witness…
Thank you so much. They really are fortunate. Thank you for reading!