How I Used Crowdfire to Gain 50 New, Legit Followers/Month

Oh, I remember the simpler times back when social media was just a way to catch up with old friends. I poured over old photos and baby stories and shook my head at the crazies.

Then I became a blogger, and I realized that social media is actually a prime place to reach people.

If you are interested in reaching more people via social media for your blog or business, be sure to check out this article that I wrote for Monterey Premier: How I Used Crowdfire to Gain 50 New, Legit Followers/Month


Here’s a snippet:

How does it grow your following exactly???
It logs into your social media account of choice. Then it gives you “Prescriptions”.

How I Used Crowdfire to Gain 50 New, Legit Followers/Month


Click here to learn more!!! 

By the way, my goal for January was to reach 550 Twitter followers, and as of Jan. 18th, I am already at 552!!! So maybe I need to set my sights a little higher next month! Whoot!!




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