Spring Break Day 1: The Shirt War, Full House, Jesus, and The Vote
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As we speak, Joshua and Caleb are playing basketball in the driveway while John David and Daniel are rolling around on the trampoline together. Alan is eating supper, and I am updating my blog for the first time in a week. Slacker.
I’ve been working on photo albums through Snapfish lately. Y’all, photo books are 70% off this month (March), so I am making as many photo books as I possibly can. I have about a hundred I could make since the last time I was caught up on photo printing was 2013…
One of my newly created albums came in the mail today, of photos from 2 years ago. One of the boys was a little embarrassed to realize that in this album was an adorable photo of the 4 boys reading together in a chair, and he was in his underwear. Just his underwear. I might have jokingly threatened to share said photo album with future dates. He might have retorted back that the page will definitely be torn out long before that. Sigh. Oh well.
The photo is safe for now, and the picture is so cute. I’d show you, but well, I am at least nicer than that.

I’m trying to hold the boys to just family parties this year. Well, family parties + just 1 or 2 friends.
I took a vote this morning, asking everyone here if they’d rather go hiking today or stay home. Everyone but Daniel voted to stay home, so here we are.
I tried to go walking, but it started raining on me so I cut that short. I passed Joshua on my way inside. Apparently, rain drops don’t phase him. He came in with soaking wet hair.
Y’all don’t want to know how many squabbles I have refereed today. Ugh. This should definitely count as a special skill on my resume. I am extremely experienced at sending everyone to different rooms.
We did have an epic game of driveway birdie tonight, though…wait. No, that’s not what they called it…badminton! I had to ask them what the game was called. Ha! But it was super fun!
Remember that Mother’s Day that they bought me a Badminton set, and so we played that for Mother’s Day? Only now, the boys are actually way better at it than I am!
Joshua, Alan, and I were sitting in the living room today getting quite a show from a new sport taking place on our trampoline. Daniel and John David were out there together, and we watched them take their shirts off and have a shirt war.
Joshua observed, “John David sure is good at whipping Daniel with his shirt!” They had a better view than I did, and they kept saying, “Ohhhh Owww Whoa! Ho! hahahaha! Is he okay…..yeah.”
For some reason this game made Daniel and JD quite happy, so we didn’t intervene. Perhaps we should all try it…. ha!
I came home a couple of weeks ago with the complete DVD set of the original Full House. Why? Because I’m the world’s worst person at sticking to any sort of budget…..also because we have already watched Fuller House, so I felt like the boys had to see the first series to understand it better.
Alan took so long at Walmart this afternoon, on a trip to buy Daniel’s birthday present and Tostitos, that we watched 4 episodes of Full House while he was gone. Our family is all about it right now, so don’t be surprised if you hear the boys say “How rude!” or “Have mercy!”
I heard 2 funny quotes this week that I wanted to share.
1.”Who is I love Lucy? Were they zombies?”
2. A leprechaun visited John David’s school. He left them Skittles and a messy classroom of confetti and such. I asked J.D. who the leprechaun was. He didn’t miss a beat, “Jesus.”
I came across some encouraging Bible verses in my reading today:
“Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself.” John 6: 15
I’ve been thinking lately about how apolitical Jesus was. He was never interested in power or rule or talking politics. He wanted to teach about God, love, and healing people. I feel like as Christians we need to persist in getting our message of love out to the world. Things of this world are temporary, but our souls are eternal. Love is eternal.
“Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal.” Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” John 6: 27-29
Believe. Faith. Hope. Love. Against such things there is no law.
And now on to the rest of Spring Break. 1 day down, 8 days to go. I’m excited. I still have a great deal of refereeing ahead of me, but it’s worth it because I also have days of Badminton and shirt-whipping.
I’d upload photos for you to have a peek into our adventures, but my computer is so full it won’t let me upload anything new. Issues. I can only give you pictures that I can steal from Facebook. Triple sigh. You know that’s driving me crazy. But don’t worry. I will not rest until I fix this problem!
Okay, one more hilarious quote from tonight:
“Hey, Mom, I am five, and you are thirteen. No! 14. You are 14.”
hehehe Nope. I didn’t correct him. Is that wrong? I say no.
Have a great Spring Break, y’all!
Pingback: Exploring Callaway Gardens: Where Daddy Proposed – Stories of Our Boys
Beautiful family. Looks like you have a great spring break 🙂
Thanks! It was.
Pingback: Our Morning at Legoland Discovery Center, Atlanta – Stories of Our Boys
Sounds like an awesome Spring break! The albums sound great, I have not long finished a photo wall feature in our house. I had all different sized canvases printed with all of our gang on them, It’s nice to sit back and look at 🙂
Thanks for sharing with #MMBC. Hope to see you Monday!
Thanks! I bet the photo wall looks lovely.
Hi April, it sounds like you have your hands full for spring break! You have to get them out for a hike before the week is up or you could end up gong stir crazy! It is annoying when your own children become better at something than you, in the summer holiday me and my daughter run together… Well, not really together as she leaves me standing!… Slow and steady wins the race? Not in my experience!
Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.
You are right. I’m so guilty of sneaking off for my walks without them. Hike planned for tomorrow though. We’re hoping to see an old battleground site.
You might actually be tied for world’s worst at sticking to a budget! I’m raising both hands here!
Happy Spring Break! We don’t have ours for another month. The north/south things again. It always confuses me. But maybe you’re at least getting spring weather! That will be another month or two for us too.
We have the best weather right now. It’s ridiculous. And that’s okay about the budgets b/c the thing is budgets suck. Back when I was a super poor college student, I didn’t have a budget than either. I just quit spending money when I ran out….unless, you know, it was an awesome shirt on sale that I needed, and that was why I had my Discover card…Ok. Well…we all have a different definition of emergency… 😉
I am going to need to look into Snapfish! Tomorrow is the first day of spring break for us, wish me luck!
Yes. I love Snapfish. Good luck with Spring Break!
Sounds like your spring break is off to a great start! Ours is this week too! We plan on making Fairy Gardens, which is funny because I am pretty sure I have a black thumb and not a green one 🙂
Yay! Fairy gardens are something I have only learned about from moms who actually have at least 1 girl. My boys would die at the very suggestion. *roll my eyes* But I’ve seen some adorable ones, and I think it sounds like a lot of fun!
indeed, I agree with you, this is a very informative, well detailed to all parents.
thank you.