Hobbies are the spice of life
I love hobbies, and I love seeing how each of my children have different hobbies that they enjoy.
We do a lot of different things around here. Work pays the bills and can be very satisfying, but there’s something about a hobby that inspires people. Sometimes you are lucky enough to find a hobby that becomes your work, but even if you don’t, you still need a good hobby.
Hobbies are the spice of life. We have a wide variety, and I’ve noticed everyone has been very active with their hobbies around here lately.
Okay, no, actually, I think I’d be incredibly nervous on an RV. They look fun, but I don’t know. I’ve never done it.
He dressed up as a Star Wars character. I told him, “You might want to change because you have to go inside with me to pick up John David, and there will be lots of kids there. But you can wear that if you want to.”
“Yes! Yes! I want to wear this!”
….And then we pulled into the parking lot, and he chickened out. I had to stand and wait for him to pull the costume off. He had his regular clothes on underneath.
This is the same kid that went to a basketball game in full Batman costume, so I didn’t put it past him to wear the storm trooper outfit.
There’s something special about baking cookies with your mom. This was an activity my brother and I did a lot when we were growing up, and I’m so thankful we did because I was well prepared to spend my life in the kitchen feeding all these boys!
I found this shirt at the local farmer’s market. Does shopping count as a hobby? Well, supporting my favorite baseball player does, and I don’t mean Bryce Harper. I do mean my Daniel.
This is a hobby I was completely unfamiliar with until Caleb came along. I don’t even care to learn really, though I’m sure eventually I will, for Caleb and Daniel’s sakes. Amy was a good sport and played with the kids.
Reading has always been one of my personal favorite hobbies.

Testing phase of his parachute. No, he didn’t jump with it. He didn’t make it for a person, he made it to send down small things.
Caleb is my inventor. Does your family have an inventor in your ranks? He never ceases to amuse me with the things he creates with paper, tape, and staples.

When I see this, I know that my inventor is busy at work, and I’m also thankful that he hasn’t lost my tape yet. I can never find my tape. You see why.
My stapler was also missing for like 2 months.
They are so different from me. I have never invented a single thing in my life. When Joshua came home with that diorama book report assignment, I wanted to cry. April doesn’t make things, at least not inedible things.
We had an agreement. He can play Playdoh as much as he wants as long as I don’t have to make things. He makes the things.

a Caleb creation. This wasn’t even a set. He designed this himself. He is a Lego and video game genius, in my humble, motherly opinion. Haha!!

And oh, how I love to sit or walk and marvel at the beauty of God’s creation. Stand in awe of God. Creation restores my faith when I am down.
That photo was taken at Yosemite. Every nature lover needs to eventually make it to California.
What about you? What are your hobbies? Any other slip-and-sliders out there?
This is really cool. So neat that the boys are also finding their personal things that they love and have a passion for (even chalking toys).
For me I guess my hobbies would be running and fitness, and as time allows…reading and writing.
Running and fitness is what most of us WISH were our hobby. That is superb. It is a delight watching their passions unfold. Thanks, Carl.
I couldn’t even begin to list all our hobbies. Too many. Mine can probably be summed up as making pretty things, that are hopefully functional. Love all the play-doh worms. I can just imagine his determination to make lots. I lose my tape and stapler on a regular basis. Even giving them their own supply makes no difference. I’ll miss them when they leave home. #MMBC
Yes! Another person who loses the tape and stapler. I knew I wasn’t alone. And yes, we will miss them sooooooo much!
Chalking Woody! OK, That made me laugh, because did you know that you can pay to have your animals chalked these days? When I saw that at our local Petsmart I thought my 4 year old could already be earning the big bucks. On week one of having Eddie she chalked him a lovely pink color 🙂
I had NO idea this was actually a thing.
These are fabulous pictures. I think that it’s great to encourage children to have hobbies and sometimes they have to try out more than one thing to find something that they are really passionate about. We’re big readers here so I’m really happy that reading is one of my daughter’s favourite hobbies too 🙂
Thanks! Reading is a fave for me too.
I would like to RV, but only if I could be the passenger. Does that still count?
I love the shirt you got. My sister’s husband is a professional baseball player. He’s in the minor leagues, but still!
This is very beneficial topic, thank you for sharing it,
I learned from our children, A hobby is something that you simply do for the fun of it. It is usually selected based on interests, skills or talents. Hobbies are very beneficial for children because they are a gateway to learning. It gives your child the opportunity to express their creativity, discover their talents, improve their skills and learn while having fun.
Love the Lego invention by Caleb. They have a new hobby at our house…Bella. She is really like a baby, 2.5 pounds of playful fur and loves to just sleep in my arms. We really have become enamored with her in one week. Can’t wait for you to meet her.
Yes, this is a very big deal. The three youngest were very excited about her, and will be talking about this a lot.
Tell me more about that slip and slide. That might work better than our big tarp and hose and sprinkler.
I think they got it at Lowe’s or Sam’s. It comes with a pump for the sides.
I laughed about the tape and stapler. I actually have a supply box that I keep hidden in our house. It has scissors, tape, a stapler etc. So when my three boys lose all of their supplies we still have one spare in the house.
Yes! I knew I wasn’t alone. Great idea though. I definitely need to copy this.