The 15 Best Things About Having All Boys
This week I happened upon a super cute post by Janine Huldie titled The 8 Best Things About Having All Girls.
I had to read it! I needed a sneak peek into what that world is like because, mamas, the view over here, in my house of many little men, is a whole lot different!
Janine wrote a great article. You should totally go read it.

Naturally, Janine’s list inspired me to type out my own best things about having all boys, a life I never dreamed of having. Never in a million years did I plan to be a mom of all boys. No, I was not a tom boy. No. I never played a sport, unless you count cheerleading or church league volleyball, or gymnastics…….okay so really it would be more accurate to say I was never into sports.
I don’t fish, touch worms, or laugh at bathroom jokes, and I love everything sparkly and glittery. My toy of choice was Barbie dolls, and I’ve never made a mud pie in my life.
I was never a wuss either. I grew up climbing trees and doing bicycle stunts, and by the way, I killed a snake once.

But oh man, this world of testosterone I’m living in now is a unique ADVENTURE. Here are the 15 BEST things I could think of about having all boys.
#1. Their clothes are cheap, and you don’t have to buy that much.
It’s so easy. For setting my oldest 2 up for spring/summer, I bought them each a new pair of tennis shoes, gym shorts, a pair of camo shorts, sleeveless tees, one nice shirt a piece, and that was it. I was done. The others have handed down clothes.
#2. All boys want to be Batman.
Not even kidding. They have all gone through the Batman phase. They have all worn the costume. It’s universal, and it is the cutest thing ever.
#3. The Hair
Wet it. Comb it. Done. So easy. Very little room for drama.
#4. Going to the Bathroom Alone
Once they are fully toilet trained, and they have a big brother to escort them, you are done. Will you ever see me in the bathroom with a little person sidekick? Nope. Am I the one who has to take them to wash their hands at restaurants? Nope. All Daddy. And when Daddy isn’t there, I send them in pairs, with my oldest son. I’m a free woman.
#5. Bug Squashers
They squash the bugs for me. Never have I had to hear someone flipping out because they ran across a bug. They live for getting to squash pests. I’ve seen them kill spiders with their bare hands.
#6. They don’t expect me to play with them much.
Does that sound mean? Don’t worry. I promise I do play with them sometimes, a little. I’ll play board games or occasionally jump on the trampoline, and I love to read to them. But no one asks me to spend a bunch of time at a tea-less tea party or dressing a Barbie doll. I’ll even color, but thankfully, no one expects me to play pretend, which is a relief! They know my interests are a little different than theirs, and they play basketball or super heroes without me.
#7. Boys love their mama.
“I’m riding with Mom!”
“No! I want Mommy do it!”
Mom. Mom. Mom. We are still at the golden age where it’s still all about mom.
#8. The hugs!
I’m sure girls are very affectionate too, but I just adore the way little boys are so physical. That means lots of wrestling with their dad, but lots of hugs for mom.
#9. The laid back atmosphere!
When you are dealing with a house full of dudes, the approach to social functions, free time, vacation, etc., etc. is seriously laid back. There’s not a person in the house that cannot get up and ready in just a few minutes, if necessary.
#10.Their toys are simple.
Hot Wheels. Action figures. Trains. Baseball cards. Skylanders. Done. No need for a billion tiny Shopkins pieces. No need for a $200 doll with a $40 dress.
#11. Hand-me-downs
I have 4 boys, but I actually only have to buy a full wardrobe for 1 of them, and then I get quadruple my money’s worth out of each item they don’t destroy.
#12. Body guards
I do feel extra safe already when I go walking with one of my already-over-5 feet tall and 100 pounds pre-teen boys. Just imagine how much more like a body-guard they will be in just a couple more years! We strut across those parking lots like we own the place.
#13. They’ve made me less prim and proper.
Yeah…. I can say “Everybody get their butts in the car” as loudly as I want because frankly, they love the word butt. It makes them soooo happy.
#14. I get to focus all of my fashion efforts on my OWN wardrobe.
Who has the cutest Lula Roe leggings outfits in this house? Yep. It’s me. Who has pretty colored hair clips? Again, me. Until the boys get married, I get to be the prettiest girl in this house.
Last but not least…
#15. No crafting requirement
I don’t craft, nor do I ever have to craft again. A friend of mine, who is a girl mom, said that the girl moms make bows and do crafts at play dates. I don’t know if that’s true, but I was horrified at the idea of doing anything other than laughing loudly at playdates.
I hope you got a couple of good chuckles out of this list. Being a boy mom is a treasure. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Whatever your situation is, it has to be THE BEST, because we only get one go at life. Might as well enjoy it.
Are you a boy mom or a both mom? Be sure to check out Janine’s list if you’re a girl mom! I enjoyed her insight.
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Aww.. I love #7 best!
Now I feel like I need to write one about the best things about having one of each all. I’d love to say it makes people not say dumb things to me but they do! When you have one of each, people say, “Your family is complete. How lovely.” And I want to shout back, “How do you know it’s complete? What if I want five of each?”
That’s people! I loved this post and Janine’s because I could relate to pieces of it.
Yes! I often hear people characterize 1 of each as perfect. But truly, no one can decide when you are done but you and Cassidy. All kinds of family combos are fun.
I also have the privilege of having 4 boys and wouldn’t change it for anything. My youngest “batboy” is graduating this year!!! Favourite pics are of the boys sound asleep in their “bat gear”On the opposite side of the spectrum we started fostering 3years ago and have only girl placements!!haha (No we didn’t ask for that…everyone assumes if you have 4 boys you for sure want girls) We currently foster 2 toddler sisters and tho I am a boy mom at heart I have to say I adore “our” girls and they are a lot of fun to dress. ( Not sure how you have any hand me downs for the boys other than church clothes!! My guys blew thru a lot of stuff) Hair…..definitely way easier with boys ( at least until the teen years just a warning)….those annoying pigtails, the part is always crooked no matter how hard I try. GROAN! Hugs, snuggles and “I love you” are amazing no matter the gender!!! Biggest difference is watching hubby with girls…..what a mushball!!! He totally admits it. He loves being the Prince with his Princesses!!!haha The batman masks have been exchanged for……… princess crowns!!!
Oh wow. You are all of our heroes for the foster kids thing. Such an important role! Thank you so much for what you are doing with those kids, Nicole.
Thanx for thinking that but it truly is the kids that are the heroes and we are super blessed to have the privilege of having them in our life. And it is a total blast. I highly recommend it once your boys get a bit older. heehee
Your cute boys!
My boy’s clothes are totally cheaper than the girl’s clothes! Ugh! Plus shopping for them is a breeze, right? A few shirts some jeans and shorts and they are good!
Ah, yes, you are one of those sage ones who know both worlds. Since my brother didn’t have a brother, I ended up wrestling with him. Does that happen in your house?
I read and loved Janine Huldie’s post but I’ve always imagined a house full of boys as my future. Obviously, I just want my future kids healthy when born but a house full of boys sounds exciting and a little dangerous lol All boys want to be batman, that’s funny, I want to be batman also.
I hope you get your house full. You’d love it.
I’m giving you a 15 out of 15 stars for this post. One of my favorite lines is actually a caption under a photo: “Things I stumble upon while the boys are at school. I feel certain there is a very important conversation going on here.”
Why, thank you, DaddyO!
We live in a house of boys, too. These are all spot on. I’d like to add wresting, sword fights, and climbing anything and everything that can be climbed.
Ha! Yeah, I think the sword fights are cute and the climbing often gets me in trouble with strangers. “Huh. Oh, no, I didn’t notice. Is it bothering you? You want me to make him get down from there?” lol But wrestling, ugh, girls will never understand.
I have 3 boys and yes they love their mama! I have always been a girly girl so I have had to learn baseball, bugs, bathroom humor and all things bama! Roll Tide!
Wouldn’t trade it for the world…..did I mention boys love their mama!
Yes!! Roll Tide!!!
I just loved your peak into what it would be like on the flip side. Like you I was more of a girly girl and definitely not a tomboy. But still nice to know that if I were to have had boys, I still could have found plenty of common ground. Oh and thanks for the shout out, too!! 🙂
Thanks for giving me this idea! I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of it before. I loved how positive and content what you had to say was. Sometimes people have trouble embracing what they have.
🙂 Funny. I have three boys and this is very true. Made me smile.