The beach is my favorite place to go in the summer, but it can be expensive and dangerous for a family full of pale skinned people. This year we actually managed to take a thrifty trip to Miramar Beach without getting sun-burned!
Alan and I are always dreaming up fun things to do together as a family, and our efforts are often met with …….resistence.
One of our fellas actually lamented, “I don’t want to go to the beach. I just want to stay home and hang out at the house.”
Sigh. Well, perhaps we were hasty in taking a beach trip the very second that school let out, but that’s life. Children are still at the mercy of the parents’ summer schedules. We are at the mercy of their’s the rest of the year.
When I was a child, I would have never said, “I don’t want to go to the beach!” I don’t think I ever did go to the beach until I was around 13 years old, and it was something I was exceedingly grateful for.
That just goes to show that the more accustomed to wonderful things that a person is, the less we appreciate those wonderful things.
John David was not the beach-resistor. He couldn’t wait to go, but once he got there he was soon disenchanted and ready to head to the pool.
Have no fear. The moment the reluctant boy sat foot on the beach, he never complained again. In fact, Alan took all the other boys to the pool after an hour, while I stayed at the beach with Joshua until I began to worry about our sun protection.
Look closely to see a small boy in a yellow shirt, stealing a float from an older brother. He made the snatch, and he fled the scene. Joshua and I sat and laughed.
To be fair, it wasn’t stealing exactly. We share the floats. He decided it was his turn. Caleb, who was using it as a basketball net, but was pausing to fetch his ball, didn’t notice until JD was safely on the opposite side of the pool.
I was extra careful about sunscreen this year, and it paid off. I brought 0 sun-burned people home from the beach. Hallelujah! 5/6 of us are as fair as fair can be. This was an accomplishment.
Our other big objective this year was to spend as little money as possible on the vacation. I think that’s always been a goal for Alan, but in the past I secretly didn’t care. This year I cared just as much as Alan.
Would you like our meal ideas that made this possible? It was so simple it’s almost embarrassing to list them.
cereal, eggs, and Pop-tarts
Since they are normally not allowed Pop-tarts, this is a humongous treat. I was curious if pop-tarts were any better than donuts, so I looked it up……They aren’t better, just different.
By the way: 1 Krispy Kreme glazed donut = 22g carbohydrates and 11g fat
1 Blueberry Pop Tart = 38 g carbohydrates and 5g fat
Cocoa Pebbles cereal = 25g carbohydrates and 1g fat
Eggs = 0.6 g carbs and 5 g fat
……Sooooo that’s why we don’t normally do pop-tarts. One of my boys gets crazy hyper from all that sugar. At least with the cereal, they get the protein from the milk to help my conscience. There’s no way I’m COOKING 3 times/day. Breakfast has to be easy.
Eggs are the clear winner, but not all of us can eat the eggs. I have a son with an egg allergy. Sad, right?
Micro-wavable hamburgers. We are sort of fanatical about these because they are delicious, they are real, and they are brain dead easy to make quickly.
We also served egg sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, yogurt, and hot dogs while we there. It was only a 3 night vacation.
Next year maybe we’ll do a no-eating out at all policy because that would have saved us another $90, believe it or not. $90 was how much we spent on the groceries for the whole weekend, and yet that’s what it costs to take our family to a restaurant, other than fast food.
And by the way, it was a free of incident beach year too! There were no ER visit, no jelly fish stings, no rain days, and no sunburn. Ah, yeah. We fall more in love with Destin every year.
I used to swim to the sand bar, and I CANNOT go to the beach without getting drenched from head to toe. It’s not possible. I don’t know how you do it. Moana was right. It DOES call you.
…..but I’m now 1/2 skiddish. I’ve been stung by jellyfish a few times, and y’all, that HURTS. Plus, I see fish and shadows, and I start to panic. Ah, if only I could have stayed young and dumb.
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k]neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39
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View Comments
Always love to go to the beach. If I have the opportunity I would gladly go. Work had been making me busy so I really need my dose of Vitamin Sea lol
You guys travel like we do. Only, no beaches this summer for us :( We also have already had sunburns, so maybe we aren't doing things right? Love your pink toes BTW!!
Thank you! The salt did a number on that pink, and now my toes are all sad looking...If it makes you feel better, I did get burned this week. Not the kids, just me. Sigh.
You go, girl! Also, THANK YOU for this. It's currently 50 degrees and pouring here so it's nice to imagine that summer is out there somewhere.
I'm with you regarding Pop-Tarts and sugar cereal. They're not allowed normally but AWESOME for beach houses and special occasions.
We did a trip to Florida a few years ago that was so budget-conscious, we nearly spent nothing.
We haven't had the same luck since.. we're doing good on the sunburn front, but that's probably because the sun... doesn't come out much.
Exactly. And also --aw!! I hope the sun reappears soon!!
Wow - our vacations are very similar! We splurged this year, with the anniversary, when it was just us. But with the kids, we went out to eat lunch one time and ate in the condo the rest of the time. We are also indoors from 10:30/11 - 4:00. We do swim shirts and hats when needed. Your boys are way braver than me. I won't get up past ankle deep in the ocean anymore either because of the sharks. The last time I was in the ocean, I was chillin' on a boogie board in about waist deep water one morning. Later that same afternoon, everyone in town was talking about the shark attack that had occurred that morning. A girl, in waist deep water, not a mile from where we were, was on a boogie board, and a shark got her. So, that was it for me! Great pictures - loved hearing about your vacation!
Yes, once you know, it's so hard to go...Life was much easier when we were younger and dumber.