4 kids

Funny Fridays: Taking 6 Kids to an Art Museum & Other Stories

At the Smithsonian National Museum of Art

When we went to D.C. this summer, I insisted we go and visit my favorite painting in the world, which happens to be at the National Gallery of Art on the National Mall. While we were there, we perused the collections, along with our friend Amy and her children.

I thought the day was going amazingly well. We took 6 kids through a museum where you are supposed to be quiet, and I felt like we did a heroic job. The kids even sat on these nice sofas they had in many of the galleries.

After about an hour, Alan whispered emphatically, with the big eyes,  “Are you ready to go now? Please.”

“Sure…. C’mon kids, let’s go.”

Once outside, Alan looked like he’d just escaped prison.

Alan had a much different experience in the Smithsonian than I had.

While I was all gazing at paintings and taking photos, Alan was getting dirty looks and lectures from security guards about the six children. Apparently, rolling on the sofas, flipping over the backs of the sofas, and leaning and pushing on your friends and giggling are inappropriate museum behavior.

Sigh. The bar is high, okay. I guess we’ll try a museum again in another 6 years. We just aren’t there yet.  I LOVE art museums, but alas, I LOVE my people and staying out of trouble too…

I still say they were good. Quiet and not touching anything = good.


Last week Alan had to replace the garage door opener and fix the air conditioner unit, the dryer, and the fence that Irma blew over.

This week the sink is dripping and the microwave quit. Oh!! Plus, the house we rent out in Alabama has a broken a/c unit too.

I said to Alan, ” I feel like God is trying to tell us something.”

“What, that we suck?”

Okay, Alan didn’t say that, but that’s what I was thinking..

We agreed that this is an insane amount of things going wrong and breaking down. Perhaps God really is trying to get our attention.

OH! Plus next week is report card week, grades were turned in today, and I have new zits. I have new zits because I stress out about the boys’ grades more than they do…

I’m a stress ball, okay. That’s right. April is the Captain of the Struggle Buss. (Shout out to Nicole from MOPS for teaching me that expression.)


I said to Alan, “I’m Captain of the Struggle Bus today.” I was so proud of my new expression. I HAD to use it right away.

“Everyday. That’s every day for you.”

“Hey!! That’s not!…I…well…..really? You think so? Huh.”

I guess he was familiar with the expression.

Good things happened this week too.

Alan started waking me up at 6am so that I can get a 1 mile walk in in the morning to kick-start my day. It was surprisingly fun. Alan said I came in from my walk each day so happy.

“Huh. Maybe I’ll be a morning person after all,” I thought…

But then on the other days he did NOT wake me up at 6 am…. I slept until 6:30 and did not have time to walk. Oh well, still, two great things came of it:

  1. Alan woke me up early and managed to not get fussed at, which is a miracle.
  2. I felt happier all day knowing I’d gotten up and walked. Plus, my step count was better. No weight loss though. 🙁 Apparently, ice cream is not good for weight loss. Sad.

I was reading my Bible this morning for inspiration, and this truly did inspire me. I’ll share it in case it helps you too:

…wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.    James 3: 17

I told Alan I felt like I needed to plaster this verse all over the house. Maybe it will remind us all how to behave…

Ok, here’s JD. He woke up from his nap, and he’s begging me for food. That’s my cue.

Have a fabulous weekend, y’all.


April is an upbeat, Christian, blog-obsessed, military wife, and home schooling mom of four little boys. She writes about education, travel, and humorous adventures in parenting. Follow along if you’d like a little bit of encouragement and a whole lot of crazy.

View Comments

  • You're brave. Interesting to see the two points of view and how much they differ between yourself and Alan. I never take my kids places where quiet is mandatory as mine tend to be like jackhammers. And exercise is excellent for stress relief. Helps us see that our problems are rarely as big as the mountains we make them out to be.

  • haha, about the ice cream! Sad, indeed.
    I'm laughing about six kids in a museum.
    And if you're the Captain of the Struggle Bus, maybe I'm the Assistant Driver.

    • So unfair about ice cream...I know! It was a crazy thing to try, but I thought we were insanely successful...until I talked to Alan. lol Even still, those guards needed to chill.

  • Have a lovely weekend too! You were brave taking 6 kids to a gallery, I've had good experiences with kids at art galleries but I think they need to be in the right mood. A walk first thing sounds wonderful - hope you get to do more of that soon.

    • Good experiences taking kids to art galleries? Are these male children b/c my mind is blown. Good job.

  • Awww. Alan reads your blog. Sweet. My DH says he lives mine, so why read about it again? Ha. So what's your favorite painting? And a morning walk?! Wow. I am truly impressed. Very admirable.

    • My favorite painting is this series of 4 paintings at the National Gallery. Future blog post coming up on it very soon!

  • I actually said was “every day you say you are struggling”

    You are doing an amazing job! I love you! Alan

  • What I actually said was “every day you say you are struggling”

    That said, you are doing an amazing job! I love you!

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