House Hunting Time is Here!

Alan and the boys, National Mall, Washington D.C., summer vacation 2017

Alan and our two boys on the National Mall, Washington D.C., when we first moved there in 2009
We have been officially notified that we’ll be moving back to the D.C. area this summer.
I SHOULD be like WAHOO!! Let’s do this!! After all, I love D.C., and this is an excellent job opportunity for Alan. Plus, I’m moving close to so many friends. I love D.C. It’s like an entire metropolitan area of people who are ALL just as uptight as I am. These are my people!!!
But in the words of Forrest Gump, “I’m pretty tired. I think I’ll go home now.”
Oh, wait. Where is home??? Ya’ll, I’m just tired of the moving, the packing, the researching, the move-out cleaning, the de-cluttering, the stress, making the kids say good-bye to their friends….That’s the hardest part.
We are quite happy to return to an area that we loved, underneath all our anxiety. In fact, I have so much anxiety over this move, I’ve been unintentionally clenching my jaw as I scroll through hundreds of housing ads. It hurts to eat now.
Y’all!! The decisions are overwhelming, and we’ve lived there before. It feels like we just left D.C., but it’s actually been almost 4 years!
It’s mind-boggling, all these houses and schools and neighborhoods. I have to pick a house that comes with an acceptable elementary as well as middle school nearby now. I’m simply going to HAVE to do a re-con trip to go look at things for myself. We are in the process of planning that out too.

Caleb, age 2, by the fountain in front of the U.S. Capitol building
But wait. Why should I allow this move to make me so crazy?
I need to s-l-o-w down. Take a few deep breaths. Trust Alan. Trust God. Everything will work out just fine. And no, I may not get everything exactly how I want it, but it will all come together.
I taught a Sunday school lesson, to my class of 4th and 5th grade girls, this morning about Paul and Silas. They were arrested in Philippi for casting a demon out of a slave girl. They were beaten and thrown into prison. What did Paul and Silas do? Worry until their jaws hurt? No. They sang. They knew God had their back, and they weren’t worrying themselves silly. (Acts 16)
I guess if Paul and Silas could sing in prison with their feet in the stocks, I can sing through this move. After all, this move is a blessing anyway, a blessing that’s carrying us back to a place that we love.
God’s got this, so we got this too. Breathe. Calm down.

Me with the 2 oldest boys, at the National Archives, 2009
Want to see a few houses I’m looking at?
Just for fun, really because I won’t get up there until March to look around…but these houses are so beautiful.
See if you can guess which two are on a military base. The base is my back-up in case I can’t find a rental.
But y’all, I just don’t know if I can move back and NOT live in my old neighborhood, and none of those are advertising yet. We loved that place and those people so much, but it has to be right for all 6 of us. I’m hoping it will work out!
***All photos were obtained from, with the exception of the on-post houses, which were obtained from here.***
Amazing, huh? These will all be gone by the time I’m ready to sign papers though. If any of you know of a rental coming open in my old neighborhood or surrounding area, be sure to let me know!
I’m beginning to calm down and get excited now! It’s time to do less worrying and more singing. Let’s have a little Faith Hill and Shelby Lynne and “Keep Walkin’ On!”
I’m right there with you! We have a new place and I think you’re closer to us —woot-woot! (with hands in the air move) hehe!
Moving can be hard but I think you are correct to remember to Trust God. We have not moved that many times but all our moves have been big US to Asia to the US and now to UK. UK was not really on our list who would come here to work with Chinese? This is where God wanted us. We originally thought we would be in another city but cost of living drove us to this city. It is just where God wanted us with a wonderful church. Trusting that God will work all the details.
I did share this blog with our 5 children…I admit this post was a great lesson. My mother who is a doctor is sharing her compliments to you…
The last two are military? Wow. Nothing like the quarters I remember as a child in the UK. Love your approach. Singing is a good idea. Hope the right house comes up, in the right area, at the right time for you. #MMBC
Pretty awesome, huh? They have no yard, but it isn’t needed since the post has green space and playgrounds everywhere. Thank you!
I can understand to some degree the lack of desire to uproot again. I moved “umpteen” times in ministry and finally settled back here in 2014. When you asked the question “Where is home?”, the lyrics came to mind: “All I know is I’m not home yet. This is not where I belong.” We are just sojourners passing through whose true home awaits us.
Yes, exactly. I wonder what song that is though. I’m not sure I know it.
We are such twins and moving drives me crazy – even when it’s a good move. I’ll be grinding my teeth and spinning my wheels (and my head).
My cousins live in DC. Actually I’ll be there in October because Cassidy’s little cousin is having his Bar Mitzvah! I remember this kid as a toddler so I feel old.
Smooth moving to you! The houses are nice!
Do you do the teeth grinding? I keep willing myself not to this week. How exciting! I”ll be living there by October. Give me a shout if you aren’t afraid to meet a blogging friend. Ha! We could call it a blogging event at the Lincoln. 😉
Hi April, I’ve not moved house for fifteen years, but just the thought makes my toes curl! I don’t envy you one bit! It would be perfect if you could get a place in your old neighbourhood (I really hope you do)… One thing I have learned too is that things usually do work out one way or another, it may not always be as we planned or had hoped, but keep looking for the positives and you’ll see them…. I’d have no idea which houses in your photos were military. My favourite is the 3rd one down, I like the grass.
The 3rd one is a nice choice. Now I can’t even remember where that one is. And as for the guessing game: the last two photos are the military houses. I’m with you on the old neighborhood. That’s what my heart wants. now if these people will notify their landlords and get those houses listed! Ha! Then we’ll be in business.
They’re all as uptight as I am 😂. There was a period in my life where I moved a lot. It’s SO much work. Our last move my kids were still really young. There have been a couple times that I’ve thought we might have to move that we didn’t, and I was so relieved. That would be especially hard the ages that your kids are now. I’m saying a prayer for you that God calm your fears and that the move goes smoothly for all of you.
Thank you. It is an awful lot of extra work, especially as a mother.
Moving is never easy. Well, unless you get someone to move for you. I always loved visiting DC (I grew up on the Eastern Shore of MD). I’m a country boy, though, and couldn’t handle living there. Stay calm and good luck 🙂
We’ve spent a good deal of time in Maryland, though it was further inland. Thank you!
“I guess if Paul and Silas could sing in prison with their feet in the stocks, I can sing through this move..” I guess that puts things in perspective, right? If they can sing in prison we can sing through any difficulties. 🙂 I enjoyed reading your post. Hope your move goes well! Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #SundayThoughts.
Thank you! I was thankful for that lesson. Nice to meet you!