The Back to School Bucket List for My New Phase of Life
Only three weeks of summer are left.
Three measly weeks. I’m ready and excited about this because this enters a new phase of life for me. I’ve never had ALL FOUR kids in school before.
That’s right. The baby is going to kindergarten.
People keep asking me what I’m going to do with my new free time.
The answer: Whatever I want!! haha! Sort of… I have several different ideas.
Am I sad? Only a little, and really only when I can’t get a single one of our children to come sit in my lap. Having a baby in my lap has been a great joy that I will miss!!! I do adore a chubby little bubby to cuddle with.
But I’m also ready for this. At least, I think I am. Only time will tell.
Will I run out and get a full-time job?
Eh…I don’t know, you guys. Do you know how long it has been since I left the work force? 13 years!!! 13.
The preschool mom phase has lasted for 12 1/2 years for me. We had four babies in 7 years. At one point, there were actually 3 preschoolers. I can honestly tell you the hardest parts (for me) were going from 1 to 2 and going from 3 to 4. Having both a 2-year-old and a baby was always quite the juggling act.
It was hard, but I loved it.

Us, 10 years ago

Us, 4 years ago
I see moms doing what I used to do, out pushing strollers, wearing a baby, looking all sleep deprived and carrying a diaper bag, and I just think, “How did I ever do that? I did it, but how???”
Young moms, do NOT be offended when people comment with offers of help or, “Oh, you have your hands full!” They aren’t annoyed by you, at least most of them. Most people have been there too, and they are just sympathizing with you, I promise. They are recognizing that you deserve a medal. Choose to see it that way!
Even though the babies brought me so much joy, life lessons, pure hard work, and adventure, I’m at peace with moving on to the next phase.
But a full-time job? You know we move like every two years, right? That doesn’t make me the most desirable employee. Also, there’s summer. Sure, I have no kids for 9 months from 8-3, but where do I find childcare for 3 children that would be covered by the cost of whatever returning-to-work-after-a-decade level of pay I would make?
No, it’s not quite time for that. I’ll keep working the blog. Maybe I’ll take the time to pick up some other online writing, do a little freelancing. I did that once before.
Instead, I’m excited about the possibility of quiet! And I have ideas! So many ideas, which of course, I must share with you below.
My Bucket List for this New Phase of Life:
#1. Ballet Lessons
I looked into it. They offer adult dance classes, even for beginners, not too far from my house! This is something I wanted to do when I was a kid and never go to, so why not now?
Quit laughing. 😉 It might be fun!
#2. Get a library card and gradually return to checking out books.
We’re ready now. The library problems of the past are behind us, I promise.
#3. Fix up Pinterest pins for my best blog posts.
While I was on a blogging break, Pinterest exploded my traffic for the posts I wrote about homeschooling. The better looking the pin, the more traffic I got. I want to comb through and fix up the images for my other posts that are still relevant.
#4. Keep a more organized house.
I won’t lie. It’s hard to get excited about that. Bleh. Housework.
Last year I did do a far better job of keeping house though, while John David went to preschool. Therefore, my high hopes in this area are not unfounded.
#5. Decorate the playroom better.
Basically, my only plan is to add curtains and tidy it up more. Oh, and finally run that corner full of junk to the Goodwill.
#6. Go to downtown Washington, D.C. and just walk around, exploring.
This is so fun to me! It’s a beautiful city.
#7. Clip coupons and go to the store ALONE
Finally! I will have the brain space at the store to open my purse and dig out coupons. Also, in Virginia, they actually drop the coupons off in my driveway, no newspaper subscription required. Pretty awesome.
#8. Catch up on all my doctor and dentist appointments I’ve been skipping all summer.
I have to do another cardiac MRI. Fun, fun, fun. And I will not admit to you how long it’s been since I visited the dentist. Don’t even ask. I refuse to say.
#9. Print the 50 billion photos I’ve taken over the last 4 years into photo albums.
#10. Play my Jeopardy app. Oh yeah, I love that thing.
#11. Study the Bible BETTER.
I keep buying these excellent books of archaeology Bible stuff, but I rush through my Bible time. Now I can slow down and let it sink in.
#12. Walk MORE
I’m passionate about getting my walks in already, but now I can take longer ones!!
#13. Sign up for some regular volunteering activity.
When you’re new in town, this takes a while to figure out where you fit to volunteer, but it makes you feel SOOOO much more fulfilled and connected.
It took me at least 6 months after the last move to find a place to plug in, but then I found several. I enjoyed teaching a girls’ Sunday school class, shelving books at the library, and serving on the MOPS leadership team.
#14. Meet Alan for lunch some time.
After all, Alan, everything I read says that workers work better when they leave their work building for lunch.
#15. Just keep blogging. Just keep blogging. That’s what we do. We blog, blog, blog.
#16. Buy a houseplant and keep it alive.
There are some houseplants that even clean the air in your house. I’d like to have a plant that a.) we remember to water and b.) prevent my husband and children from OVER watering.
These are decent goals, right?
I do realize that being a stay-at-home mom is an amazing privilege, one that many women never get to experience. My mission is to cherish the year, make the most of every opportunity, continue to shine my light and encourage the boys to shine their lights as well.
I’m a person who LOVES space and quiet. I thrive on it. Sometimes, when I allow myself too much alone time, I actually become reluctant to make contact with other humans….There’s this hermit side of me. But then I’m also a person who needs regular social interaction too. I need both! In order for this work-at-home plan to work out, I’m going to still need to see friends often!
We have plans for new things we’re going to do WITH the kids too. It’s going to be a fun year. There is no doubt we will all learn many new things, hop over countless hurdles, fall a few times, and that’s okay. We’ll get back up again. Bring on the new school year!
What are your goals for this school year? Did you ever send all your kids to school and do the stay-at-home mom thing? I’d love to hear about it.
Great list. Organizing a gazillion digital photos and getting some printed/framed is at the top of my list…good reminder.
Ah yes, one of the gifts of the digital age that keeps on giving.
Clip coupons, oh girl you are my hero! Here we go to no kids at home!
What a blessing. Children are our hope for the future!
Those are fabulous goals! I started dancing in high school (tap and jazz) and there were no beginner classes my age so my teacher asked if I’d be ok in a beginner adult and let me tell you I loved it (especially tap) and danced 4 years with those ladies!!