How to Start Your Day off With Joy

It is so important to start your day off with positivity!
The news, your Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, those things are all iffy. Let’s talk about a better way to start your day.
Every morning I wake up, and I do the same first few things.
In the summer, I sleep a little later, and I still kind of zombie-walk down to the kitchen, pour my coffee, and plop myself down on a sofa.
Sometimes, on my way to the sofa, I have to fix breakfasts for small boys. Other days, they’ve figured that out for themselves already. I can tell they have helped themselves by the spots of milk on the table, bowls in the sink, or still on the table, and the chair by the cabinet.

Everyone who lives in our house knows that you respect coffee time.
Once Mom sits down with her coffee, no one is allowed to need anything from Mama until coffee time is done. (Ha! Sort of. It really isn’t as rigid as I make it sound.)
There I am just me, my fuzzy brain, and my highly creamed beverage. I always have my phone with me. It is so tempting to go straight to my Jeopardy app (we have a club) or to check the news or Facebook. Email isn’t the least bit interesting to me. My inbox is almost 100% junk and advertisements. I detest email, but that’s another story.
I must stay strong though because I know that this time is sacred. The minute that mug is empty, there are expectations. My time is limited.
The six-year-old frequents my seat to check how close I am to finishing that cup of joe.
You see, I get lost in playing Jeopardy over and over again. Time will fly. Inevitably, I will lose. Then I will feel a bit like a failure, and on top of that, my cup will be empty, and there will be my sweet children, impatiently waiting for me to get up and going.
Jeopardy just drank my coffee. Drat. Plus, I have gained nothing positive to start my day on.

Or sometimes I get sucked into the news stories of the day. That’s the worst of all because there are rarely any positive stories. “This politician is crooked.” Yes, probably so. “Child murdered.” “Is War Looming?”
Just like that, not only has the news drank my coffee, but it has given me negative thoughts and sadness to start my day with. Booooooo.
Facebook isn’t much better, I enjoy it, sure, but I can end up scrolling for an hour probably, if my kids would let me.
And just like that, Facebook drank my coffee. It is gone, and I’m left feeling many emotions all at once.
“Ew. Gross. I didn’t want to see that.”
“What? That can’t be true?”
“Another political ad? Really, Jen? Are you working for his campaign?”
“They go to Disney World 3 times a year? I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous.”
With any of these scenarios, I’ve let the world around me set the tone for my day instead of me setting that tone.
The narrative in my head, the things I think about, are now set by a news or social app. The results are not helpful at all.

There is a better way, where I drink my coffee and fill my mental and spiritual tank up at the same time.
Yeah, this is me writing, so you know I’m going to say Bible. I have an app on my phone, and I have a small collection of actual Bibles. But either way, for starting out the day, I know I have to feed my own soul before I can feed the 4 young souls entrusted to me.
I just finished reading the book of John, and I like to read a chapter from Psalms and/or Proverbs too, depending on how much time I have.
When I start the day with the Bible, I’m reviewing new concepts as well as learning new ones. I’m praying for my family and friends and being reminded of how life should be lived.
My focus moves to what is eternally important.
Instead of pointing me to feelings of jealousy, desperation, inferiority, or fear, the Bible directs me to love, joy, peace, patience. kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.
God’s word reminds me to trust Him, to teach my children to do the same, and to love others and forgive.
Now don’t get me wrong. This doesn’t mean I live a sinless day. No. I still lose my temper if the dog has an accident or the boys are fighting. Nothing irritates me more than brothers fighting over an Xbox. I say things I should not say, and maybe I don’t always look so very righteous.
But I’m trying. I know that starting my morning in God’s Word equips me with something that I need that day, if I’m paying attention.
I like to write down verses that speak to me on sticky notes and place them around the house to remind me all week long.
Most importantly, it sets the narrative for my day. I’m not doing the dishes thinking, “What is the world coming to? Hide your wife. Hide your kids…etc.”
Instead, I am now thinking about the practical things that need to be done in my actual life. After all, the best way to overcome evil is by doing good.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t read the news either, okay. I do still look at that app as well, only not everyday, and not first thing in the morning, but several times per week. Being informed is good, but don’t set the tone for your day with bad news. It will drink your coffee and leave you feeling like you had Benadryl instead.
Here are a few verses I’ve found helpful recently:
1 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. 12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
~John 15:11-13

32 Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his [e]own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. 33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you [f]will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
John 16:32-33
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
Psalm 28:7
My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;
Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,
And with my song I will praise Him.
How do you start your day? Feel free to share in the comments below.
April! This was a great post! I am also in the Psalms right now but guess what? Your blog just drank my morning coffee! So happy to have shared it with a friend 🙂
Haha! That’s funny! I was excited to see you on here! It’s good to be back.