How to Bake Yummy Yeast Rolls

How to Bake Yummy Yeast Rolls Printable Recipe
How to Bake Yummy Yeast Rolls Printable Recipe

I have tried several recipes in my quest to make delicious-melt-in-your-mouth rolls from scratch. They were all utter failures…..until this one! I found this gem in one of those church cookbooks, and even I was not able to mess it up. Hurray! Here is the recipe, and at the bottom of the recipe there is a printable version. Happy baking!

Best Yet Yeast Rolls

Original Recipe by Sara T. Drummond


2 pks. Dry yeast               

½c warm water                     

2 lg. eggs                      

1 c. warm water                

½c. shortening (I used coconut oil.)

1 c. sugar

2 tsp. salt

4 ½ c. all-purpose flour

Soft butter


Dissolve yeast in ½cup warm water. Let stand 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, it will look something like this.

Beat eggs and add to the eggs the following: dissolved yeast, 1 cup warm water, shortening, sugar, and salt.

Beat until smooth on medium speed of mixer for about 2 minutes. With a wooden spoon, scrape down sides of the bowl.

Beat in ½of the flour to make a soft dough, using mixer. Add the rest of the flour with wooden spoon to make a soft dough.

Cover and let rise to double in volume, about 1 hour.

Punch down and cover.

Refrigerate overnight.

1/2 of the dough makes a full dozen or so

About 1 ½hours before baking, take out the desired amount. Knead on floured cloth or parchment paper for about 10 minutes, then roll ½inch thick and cut out rolls with cutter. 

I spray my rolling pin with Pam.
Basically rolled out like this, as you can see it doesn’t have to look immaculate.

Place on greased cookie sheet. Let rise until double in size. Bake at 400 for 12-15 minutes or until brown.

How to Bake Yummy Yeast Rolls Printable Recipe
12 beautiful, delicious rolls
how to bake yummy yeast rolls
Quick, easy way to add butter to the tops fresh out of the oven

I personally like to print the recipes, with no photos between, so click here for the printable recipe.


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