Sitting in Church with My 6-year-old Talker

There was this one particular Sunday, about two months ago, that I was sitting with our 6-year-old in church. John David was in rare form that day, just bursting at the seams with thoughts to speak and questions to ask, all during the sermon, of course. I actually sat in the pew and jotted down the hilarious things he said while it was fresh on my mind, for your reading enjoyment:
“Mom, in the past, did they have doctors?”
“Did they have wood?”
“Did they have metal?”
I briefly answered these questions, and then I handed him a stack of post-it notes and a pen.
He made a chain of the post-it notes and fashioned it into a sort of horn. Then he proceeded to make noise out of his created instrument. I quickly took that away, as well as the pen as he was making noise with it too.
John David then made a pair of binoculars out of the post-it notes, looked at me through them and whispered loudly, “How much longer?”
I gave him back the pen, hoping he would finally just draw.
By this point, he had attracted the attention of his oldest brother who began to give him strongly disapproving scowls every few minutes. Little brothers are so embarrassing.
J.D. was undaunted by the opinions of others. He went right back to work and wrote one thing on each sticky note and then stuck 5 or 6 of the notes to his arm rest.
Needless to say, once the service was over, I cleaned up our row of seats and left quite willingly without making eye contact with anyone who was sitting near us that day.
But I have to admit, I was a little amused.
haha, I would have been amused too. My kids had never been to a religious service until the end of 2018 when we went to a Bar Mitzvah. I had no idea what Des would be like in Temple but he was really good!