My Goals for 2020 and for This Week

Do you ever listen to podcasts? This morning I was listening to Crystal Paine’s (of New Year’s podcast, and she was talking about goals.
Crystals’ goals were for the week and not for the year, as she is a foster mom now. Plus, she’s also giving birth this year, so she decided it was better not to make year goals for such an unpredictable year. That is usually my life too: so much going on.
The talk about goals started the hamster wheels in my brain a turning though. I had not even thought about goals for 2020 or even this week, and here it is January 6th. Ha!
Suddenly, I began to think about what the year ahead of us here at the Testosterone House looks like. This SHOULD be a happy, not so crazy, kind of year.
- We are NOT moving this year. Cue the confetti. Praise the Lord. We are so tired of moving. Don’t even get me started.
- We will send our oldest son to his first year of high school this year. When I say that out loud, my mind goes blank. I can’t even get past, “What???”
- The putting down roots process should probably be worked on. I have participated in almost zero activities since we got here. That’s so unlike me, and yet it is true.
Really that’s it. That’s all the big plans we have for this year. Hallelujah though man, we’ve had way too much upheaval for the past 6 years. We are overdue a duller year.
Now you know since I’m sitting here saying this year is going to be chill, something huge or horrible will end up happening, and I will rue the day I wrote this post. But how can anyone know the future?
So without further ado, and only a tiny bit of thought put into these, here are my goals for 2020:
#1. Lose 10 pounds.
Stop laughing. I am serious. Yes, I need to lose 20, but I can’t even seem to lose 5, so we’re going to go with 10.

#2. Find a way to motivate the son who does not care what his grades are in school and doesn’t try very hard.
#3. Help the son who does care but is having a hard time at this particular school to make As and Bs because it will make him so happy.
#4. Be such a consistent blogger again that I’m publishing at least 1 post /week and also have my Israel ebook published.
Plan of action
For the 10 pounds: Intermittent fasting, set a sugar cap for each day, weigh myself every morning, exercise 6 days/week…..Eat more salad.
Motivating the unmotivated: Build his confidence by praising his successes in school. Continue star chart but change it to reflect study time. Study with him 10 minutes/day.
Helping the motivated: Check his math homework daily. Study with him 10 minutes/day. Build his confidence with praise.
For the blogging: Read 5 blogs/day. Write 1 hour/day, 6 days/week. Pin 5 posts/weekday.
This Week’s Goals
#1. Re-lose those 2 pounds I lost last week and then gained back this weekend. Y’all, I really wish I were joking.
#2. Exercise every single day, with one day off. Do not go to bed until this is done.

#3. Keep a food log on 3 days.
#4. Intermittent fasting Tues.-Fri. and Sunday.
#5. Study with each boy about 15 minutes/day.
#6. Mail Mom’s calendar to her. I accidentally shipped it to my house.
#7. Cook dinner every week day and Sunday lunch.
#8. Clean house 1 hour/day.
#9. Get 10,000 steps/day most days, for a total of 70,000 in 7 days.

I think these seem fairly reasonable, especially since we only have 2 nights and Saturday morning with extracurricular activities right now. That’s so nice. Winter is quieter, and I love that.
Do you have any goals for this week? Do you tend to make way too many or forget to make any at all? I go back and forth with doing both of those things. I’ve been good lately about putting only 6 things on my to-do list each day, but then I do something odd. I will do all sorts of other things and not do numbers 5 or 6 on my to-do list. Ah well. Life is a learning process.
“And he [Abraham] believed the Lord, and he [God] counted it to him as righteousness.” Genesis 15:6
High school!? I just can’t. Scarlet will be in middle school next year and she’s still so itty bitty. I can’t with that.
I gained weight over the holidays and yes, I’m slim, but that’s the problem. My frame is small so when I gain weight, I get lumpy. I think I’m skinny fat – which isn’t healthy. I need a sugar cap myself!
You look great. I can’t believe Scarlet will be in middle school though!!
Good redbird photo!
Thank you! I took that one in your neighborhood.
I started setting small monthly goals since I tend to forget my yearly goals altogether.
Yes! That’s a good idea because I usually do forget year long goals.
Your goals for this week are so much more ambitious than mine, which I guess are:
1) sleep in my own bed instead of sitting in a chair listening for my mom so that she doesn’t get up on her own and fall
2) show up for jury duty without saying something I’ll regret cuz my life just can’t handle this right now
3) get my son to the airport while I’m at the courthouse cuz somehow I can defy the laws of physics and be two places at once
4) figure out some more good crockpot meals (cuz I won’t be up to cooking if I’m gone listening to stupid criminals all day then have to fight traffic for an hour to get home)
Jury duty. Neat! I mean I know it’s disruptive and could end up being very dull, but I’ve always wanted to do jury duty.
So sad about having to sleep in a chair though. I would be a complete zombie and a grump. That sounds very difficult.
I really liked the idea y’all have about exercise time earning tech time. It is much easier with competition. I miss that. Good luck with your goals.
Hmmm maybe I should make myself do sit-ups and push-ups before I’m allowed to eat any food…That would motivate me.