There are many pros and cons of home schooling, just as there are pros and cons to public and private schools. If you find yourself weighing the differences of which method of school you should do for your children, this list will help.
I have revised my pros and cons lists to reflect my views now that I have 2 years of home-school under my belt as well, and our children have also attended 2 years at a private Christian school and many years of public school. The reason for so many changes in schooling is actually that we are a military family.
What I am going to provide you with is a pros and cons list of home schooling versus private or public schools.
We were fortunate to belong to an amazing community with a high performing school. Our neighborhood elementary school in Northern Virginia tested well above the national averages. While that was great, and my boys were pretty happy at school, no school is perfect.
See, my boys had trouble paying attention to things that they are not interested in, especially in large group settings. I don’t mean they day dreamed a little. They day dreamed so much that their teachers tried to interject my boys’ names into every few sentences to encourage them to listen.
Now that they are older I think this has actually improved, but back then I was all throwing my hands up and feeling discouraged.
Joshua’s second grade classroom had 28 students and 1 teacher. The 1st grade class had 26 students and 1 teacher. Has anyone stopped to realize what we’re asking our teachers to do here???
I attempted teaching public school 1 year, 10 years ago, in a low income area of Texas. That was a class of 19 students, in a combined 3rd/4th grade classroom, and it was a HUGE job. I was fresh out of college and had little experience with children, so it was too much for me.
Think about it. 26 1st graders–in 1 room–with 1 teacher. Do you really think that teacher has any time whatsoever to give any individualized instruction? I doubt it.
First, here’s a disclaimer: I was trying to teach 4 boys on 4 different levels all at one time. The youngest was in diapers, the second-youngest was 3, one was struggling with reading, and the oldest was a behavior issue for me, even though he was very well behaved in public school. There are ways to make your experience easier than all of those 4 rings of circus I was trying to manage at once.
It was painful for me. I was mostly stressed and miserable. The boys grew to like it because 1.) no home work 2.) shorter school days and 3.) so many pajama days.
I was not one of those ‘fun’ teacher types, doing cool experiments and building forts and playing games. I was more like, “Hey, look, I don’t care if you think it’s hard. The book says we have to do it, so please just do it now so we can be done with this already.”
Yeah…..teaching was so not my thing. Good things did come out of it, mostly personal growth for myself: I learned that it’s important to accept help from others. I prayed more.
Also, good things came out of it for my boys. They grew even closer together. My oldest was in need of an attitude adjustment before we started home schooling, but over the past two years he matured in character in manifold more ways than I expected, and I am incredibly proud of him.
But I said that I will never home school again. The stress and unhappiness made me physically ill. Literally, I am now on heart medication.
But some people love it, so don’t take that to mean I’m anti-home schooling. You may be an AMAZING teacher-mom. But if you do go for it, I hope you find some things to delegate. You aren’t supposed to have to be everyone and everything to your family. People need other people.
Also, I think it’s important to mention that some of us are a better fit for public schools, private schools, or home schooling than others. One kid may thrive in one environment, while another thrives in the opposite. We all have to choose what works best for our particular situation.
We all did that whole virtual school thing during covid. Home schooling is a little different because you do get to be in charge, and you will not have teachers emailing you to tell you that your kid did not turn in their video of themselves throwing a ball in the backyard. For us, virtual school was the absolute worst.
So let’s get on with the list!
Same as above, but also:
Same as for public school, but also:
first week of kindergarten at the Christian private school
The boys were being well educated, I was sane, and they had an amazingly positive atmosphere to learn in. I loved that! The smaller class sizes meant the world to my boys with attention problems. Daniel used to say his favorite subject was “learning about God,” which you just can’t do in a public school.
Budget constraints are a true issue. Here’s an article on money-saving ideas we used to help pay for private school, to include moving to a smaller house.
OK. Your turn to chime in! What have you chosen for your children? What do you love about it?
“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But a wise man is he who listens to counsel.” Proverbs 12:15
Of course, in the end, we will choose what we think is best for our particular children, based on lots of research, thoughtful consideration, and prayer, and of course, our budget at the time.
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View Comments
Great read! Thank you for all the work you put in!
There’s generally more adult supervision than on the school playground, too. As a result, kids with learning or attention issues are more likely to be included and feel part of the group.
True. When my boys are in smaller schools, they are more like family with the other kids. My kids integrated so much quicker at the private school.
I really loved reading this. I'm going through some of these same thoughts. We have 5 kids, Christian, and dread public school due to some issues we've encountered with bad influences. Christian schools can be so expensive. I was thinking about homeschooling but you've brought up some very solid pros and cons for me to think about.
Your transparency and authenticity really blessed me in reading this. Praying for you and your family.
Much love,
Thank you so much, Eddie. I hear ya. It all feels like this huge decision, but the good news is you can always adjust your decision later if the first option doesn't work. Thank you for your encouragement too. I can always use it.
Hi April! I appreciate how detailed you are with the pros and cons. This is so helpful for moms like me who is also looking for ideas on what type of school should my kid go to. She's about to go to school this coming school year and I can't explain what I'm feeling. Thanks again!
It's good that you point out that sending your child to a Christian private school will help them learn morals that will help them in their life. I want my child to grow up with good morals, so I'm considering sending him to a Christian private school. I'm going to look for a good Christian private school in my area in which to enroll my son.
I do love the private school option.
i breezed through (don't have time to read every word ;-) but you sounded very fair in your assessments. I am a homeschool graduate and have homeschooled my kids since the beginning. We have sent our oldest to a private Christian high school, but there's a long list of pros and cons for that, too. Most likely, the two next kids won't be going there and will stay home (mostly because they are just fine at home). Not sure on the littlest one, but he for sure isn't ready to sit in a classroom so I will homeschool him through 8th grade at least. I, personally, have a strong opinion about public schools. Private schools are ok, but have their cons, too. I'm very much a homeschooler. Do our days run perfectly? No. Do I question why we are doing this? At least every week. Is it easy? No, but getting up to catch a bus isn't easy either. i did got to public school from K-4th grade, so I remember a little bit of what it was like. I was a straight A well behaved student, so sometimes, I just don't understand how my kids aren't that way. Homeschooling has stretched us as a family in lots of great families, but it can be so frustrating at other times. To each their own, but I'm always happy to talk about homeschooling.
I can seriously relate to the part where you said, “ I just don’t understand how my kids aren’t that way.” Two of our four aren’t that way either, and it has been such a challenge no matter which type of school I use. Each year we re-evaluate.
Always interesting to reflect on a perspective before and after, which you have done with this revised post April.
Our kids have only been exposed to the public school system. My wife did consider it when the kids were young, but did think it would be too much for her.
I sincerely hope and pray your health improves April. It would have been difficult to continue teaching when you were unwell.
Your boys are in God's hands, whatever place of learning they are at!
God bless! :)
Amen Carl! All we have to do is listen to our Heavenly Father who provides all our needs. Why is that so easy to forget? Oh yeah, probably because most of us don't spend enough time with him. But when first things are put first, everything else truly does fall into place. I always enjoy your encouraging comments! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Aww thank you so much. And the encouragement goes both ways!
Have an absolutely wonderful weekend yourself! :)
Great work of explaining the pros and cons of public school and homeschooling. Each is having its own ways to educate the children. Awesome blog..
Thanks for the article. Our youngest is going to attend a Christian Private School this fall because we want to instill a biblical worldview in her and the public schools in our area are not strong. The only advantage I can see in the public school system is cost and more extracurricular opportunities. I have to say, for Christian parents that are sending their kids to public schools just be ready to spend extra time unpacking what they are experiencing throughout their school days. On the homeschool side, I do think cost should be listed as a con as well. For many parents, homeschooling means foregoing a second income and future earning potential as well. This is for most families more costly than private school.
Thank you for outlining these education pros and cons, it's really helpful for me as I make the decision on how to school my child! My son will be starting kindergarten next year and I've debated between a private Christian school and public school. It sounds like Christian schools have many strengths, but I was wondering if you've done any research on the required qualifications of teachers at Christian schools versus public?
Thanks! It is such a big decision. I re-evaluate our decision (and some years change it) every single year. In my teaching and parenting experience, I have not found that the teacher qualifications made as much difference as the teacher themselves. I'd rather have a teacher that was extremely dedicated and loved the children than one that had tons of degrees and no experience or love for the kids. You know? Of course, either way, you never know what teacher you will get, so school reputation counts for a lot as your guide. Good luck on your decisions.
I love your list of pros and cons. We are veteran homeschoolers. That means we are still laughing and smiling after homeschooling our boys for 15 years. Our oldest is on college, our youngest is in 3rd grade. I have homeschooled independently and through co-ops, and currently through a charter (that gives me full power to choose what and how I teach). It's an adventure! I love homeschooling so much, but it is a year by year, child by child journey. You can trust the Lord will guide you!
Thanks, Bekki, it sounds like you really enjoyed home schooling. I would really like to give it a try one day!