Flu Week 2020
Is it just me, or does the flu seem especially rampant this year? Maybe it is just because it happened to us that it feels that way.
Never will I ever regret not getting a shot so much as I regret not getting the flu shot. Alan had his, so he’s had the curse of having to do both my job and his job this week, plus constantly Clorox wiping the house. It’s been rough. Only he and Joshua have escaped, and since all of us are still contagious, who is to say that they won’t still catch it.
I’d like to say that it was like a couple of weeks ago when I wrote “Sometimes Our Disadvantages are Actually Blessings”. The thing is this wasn’t like that at all. I cannot think of a single good thing that came from having the flu. I saved on gas money? Ha! That’s reaching, isn’t it? We spent less on food because no one was eating? I am not even sure if it made much difference.
This is only the second time in my life I have had the flu, and it knocks me down hard. This was my fourth day of high fever, but tonight, blessed glory of tonight, my temperature is down to 99.5, and I can use my brain again!!
Wahoo! Welcome back, Brain. To all of you who received text messages from me updating you on our illnesses etc. in my misery, with tons of autocorrect mistakes thrown in, I am sorry. I am hoping that by tomorrow my fever will break, and I will have a fully functioning mind once again. This week I was pathetic, lonely, and not thinking clearly.
Would you believe that Caleb was the first one to come down with the flu, and this disease lasts so long, he was not tested for it until SIX days after his symptoms (fever especially) began, and the test still came back positive. You are contagious with the flu for a solid week.

Even as I type this, I’m beginning to fall asleep again. Next year, I am getting the flu shot, and so are the children.
While I have been sick, I have watched Season 3 of the Crown, watched hours of comedians on YouTube, and caught up on reading Facebook posts and gossip about the royal family of Great Britain. Nothing whatsoever of any value was accomplished because my head was too fuzzy.
I will leave you with a message I came across during my research on the royals. You see, watching the Crown means that I have to pause it every 20 minutes and fact check the episodes. Most of it is highly altered from what actually happened, or it is speculation, but since my history knowledge is lacking, I have to Google what parts are real and which are dramatized.
Use this link to watch Queen Elizabeth II’s Christmas address from this past Christmas, 2019. (You’ll have to scroll down a good bit to get to the video.) I love how she references Jesus and goes back over things that happened in the past year. You can also watch it on Twitter here without having to scroll.
Funny Things Heard at Our House this Week:
Nothing was funny. It was completely awful. We ate almost nothing, and I cried at commercials, movies, and even Facebook statuses.
Lessons Learned this Week:
Get a flu shot.
Sorry to hear that. It’s so hard to move especially when you’re sick even if it’s just a flu. Sore throat and colds really bother me during those time when I had flu and because of that, I don’t wanna move all day. Feels so heavy.
You poor people1. I am so sorry! Thanks for the reminder about the Queens Christmas address. Someone else had recommended I watch it recently and I had completely forgotten.
Did Alan have to get vaccinated bc of working for the military? I know I lot of medical professionals are required to get one, so I was just curious. Glad you found a show to binge on. I imagine that would make suffering through the flu more tolerable than it would be otherwise. Hope you all are back on the mend soon!
Was Alan required to be vaccinated through the military? Just curious. I know medical professionals typically all have to get a flu shot. I’m so glad you found a show you are enjoying. I imagine binge watching a show would make things more tolerable than they would be otherwise. Hope you are feeling better soon!
Yes, the Army gets vaccinated and re-vaccinated fur everything. And today I’m watching Disney princess movies because Joshua wasn’t here to protest. Hahaha
Well I do get the flu shot but I’ve been sick all week too. Just awful. Mine is a bad cold but like.. a really bad cold. I’m thankful for no fever, sore throat, or cough, but the rest of it is awful.
I hope all of you feel better! Even with just a cold, I’ve lost weight because food takes too much effort. And that’s assuming I can even taste it.
Aw! I’m sorry you are sick too. The weight loss was a welcome benefit for me. Now to keep it..
So sorry you’ve been so sick, but glad you are finally starting to feel a little better!
Thank you!